Technology Timeline - Fashion

  • 1200

    Beginning of Western Fashion

    Beginning of Western Fashion
    Western fashion began in the 12th century. Women wore long, drapey dresses and men wore tunics.
  • Victorian Era Fashion

    Victorian Era Fashion
    The Victorian Era was full of tight corsets (that, on occasion, would break a woman's ribs if she pulled it just too tight), big skirts with drape-like material, and puffy pants and uniforms for the men. The Victorian Era lasted from 1837-1901
  • 1900's-1910's

    During this time large skirts and flowy blouses were popular, as well as a large hat either adorned in feathers, ribbons, or flowers.
  • 1920's

    The rise of the flapper fashion was in the 1920's, as well as geometric patterns, low waisted dresses, and tons of tassels.
  • 1930's-40's

    During this time fashion was typically tight-fit dresses that flared out at the shoulders, short, waved, hair, and heavy coats.
  • 1950's-60's

    1950's-60's fashion included big billowly skirts, white gloves, and fur coats.
  • 1970's

    The 70's were full of embroidered blouses, bell bottom jeans, and that infamous "hippie" look that came with the era of the flower children.
  • 1980's

    This era ushered in bright colors, high waistlines, and tons of bracelets, bangles, barettes, and more. Baggy sweaters also were popular.
  • 1990's

    The 1990's was most infamous for the grunge look, which was essentially about looking like you slept in both your clothes and makeup. This means ripped clothes, mismatched patterns, old and worn patchworks jackets.
  • Early 2000's

    Early 2000's
    The early 2000's still felt the lasting effect of the decade before's trends. The silky crop tops and V necked shirts in general were wildly popular, as well as low waisted jeans.
  • Current Time

    Current Time
    Currently, there are many subsets of fashion that branch out into either very similar or drastically different aesthetics. Grunge has made a reappearance, and things throughout the decade have been taken and layered over our new modern aesthetics.