
Technology Timeline 1996-2015

By hmary
  • Moore's Law

    Moore's Law
    This law is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit has doubled approximately every two years, over the history of computing hardware.
  • Metcalfe's Law

    Metcalfe's Law
    This law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system.
  • Windows NT 4.0

    Windows NT 4.0
    Microsoft releases Windows NT 4.0 operating system.
  • Wifi made available to the public

    Wifi made available to the public
    Wifi is a means of connecting to the internet wirelessly and made accessing the internet by the public much easier.
  • First Generation iPod

    First Generation iPod
    Apple introduces their first portable MP3 player, the iPod
  • .NET Framework

    .NET Framework
    A virtual machine independent of programming language developed by Microsoft.
  • Facebook

    The social media power house is created.
  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox
    Web browser developed by Mozilla Foundation.
  • Xbox Released

    Xbox Released
    The break-through gaming system was made public .
  • First Generation iPhone released

    First Generation iPhone released
    Steve Jobs introduces the reveloutionary cell phone.
  • Google Glass

    Google Glass
    Google introduces their optical head-mounted display
  • Bluesmart Luggage

    Bluesmart Luggage
    The first smart luggae system is introduced that connects ones phone to their luggage.