Technology Timeline

  • Z1

    WikipediaThe first free programmable computer was invented in 1936. It was very large and weighed 2 tons.
  • ENIAC Invented

    ENIAC Invented
    WikipWikipediadia. The ENIAC was the first digital computer and cost $500,000 The machine was the size of a small gym.
  • UNIVAC 1 was made

    UNIVAC 1 was made
    Wikipedia On June 14, 1951 UNIVAC 1 was accepted by the Census Bereau. It was the first comuter used for commercial purposes.
  • First Computer Game

    First Computer Game
    WikipediaThe First Computer Game was invented, it was called Spacewar. It was let out in mid-1962
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    WikipediaThe first computer mouse was used in 1964. It was named the mouse by the tail looking thing that came out the end.
  • Texas Instrument

    Texas Instrument
    WikipediaTexas Intrument created its first hand held calculator. They sell them for $150.00 dollars.
  • ARPAnet

    WikipediaThe Orginal internet came out. This was called the internet and was not as used as much at the WWW is now.
  • First Floppy DIsk was Invented

    First Floppy DIsk was Invented
    WikipediaWiki. THe first floppy disk was invented. It's name refers to it bendyness. The disk was very flexable.
  • First Microprocesssor

    First Microprocesssor
    WikipediaIntel released the first mircoprocessor. It was used for intergrated circuit chip.
  • IBM 5100 Computers

    IBM 5100 Computers
    Wikipedia(Inventors) The International Business Machines created the 5100 computer. It was the first consumer computer. This computer was one of the first computer that could read a floppy disk.
  • First personal computer

    First personal computer
    WikipediaIBM devolped the first basic personal computer. It was released in August of 1981.
  • Microsoft vs. Apple

    Microsoft vs. Apple
    WikipediaThe rivarly between Microsoft and Apple rivarly got noticed. This friendly rivarly is becoming noticable during 1985. These two companies end of helping each other.
  • Network Breaks 10,000

    Network Breaks 10,000
    WikipediaNumber of network hosts breaks 10,000. This is a big accomplishment for computers
  • Netscape Communications Corporation

    Netscape Communications Corporation
    WikipediaThe company is suppose to be worth 2 billion dollars. Now it is veyr sucseeful.
  • iPhone 5

    iPhone 5
    WikipediaThe newest iPone came out in 2013. It is the newest and most improved phone on the market according to most consummers.