technology survey

By ymes023
  • micerwave

    mis.Koch got a micerwave to heat up something faster
  • coucader

    Mis.Koch got a caculader to halp her withhomework
  • walkman

    Mis.Miler got a walkmen to lisin to music
  • DS

    i got my ds to play in the car on long rides
  • gps

    we got a gps for cr
  • ipod

    I got a ipod for crissmis and to play music on it
  • GPS

    Mis.Koch got a gps so she can get plases faster
  • moter scoter

    i got a moter scoter so i can go to my frinde`s house faster
  • CD

    Mis.Miler got a cd player tolis in to music
  • X box

    I got my x box for crismis and it is used to play games