Technology History Project


    EDSACAn early British computer inspired by John von Neumann.It was constructed Maurice Wilkes and his team at University of Cambridge Mathematical Laboratory in England.
  • ARPANET:First Internet

    ARPANET:First Internet
    SourseThe U.S Department Of Defence creaed the first network for military purposes.The TCP/IP protocal created and we still use this protocal today.
  • Xerox Alto

    Xerox Alto
    Xerox Alto The first commercially advertised U.S. computer based on amicroprossesor.The first computer to use a deskstop metaphor.
  • Atari 400

    Atari 400
    AtariIts an 8-bit home was running a 1.79MHz with a 6502 CPU.It was more advanced than the Apple ll and the Commodore PET.
  • Bluetooth

    BluetoothCreated by Ericsson.It was originally a wireless alternative to RS-232 data class.It operates for unlicensed industrial, scientific and medical.
  • Google Serch Engine

    Google Serch Engine
    GoogleIt all stated from a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin both students at Standford Unevisity ..Exploring the mathimatical propertie of the World Wide Web.