Technology History

  • Introduction of the ENIAC

    Introduction of the ENIAC
    ENIAC Source
    The ENIAC is introduced to the public. It was the first electronic computer and was invented by the U.S. Military during WWII. The ENIAC cost about $500,000 and was 1800 square feet.
  • The UNIVAC is Invented

    The UNIVAC is Invented
    The UNIVAC, which proceeded the ENIAC, came out today. It could store 12,000 digits in random access mercury-delay lines.
  • The Whirlwind Computer Becomes Operational

    The Whirlwind Computer Becomes Operational
    The WhirlWind Computer comes online today. It is very important because it was the first real-time computer and was built at MIT.
  • AT&T Designs the Dataphone

    AT&T Designs the Dataphone
    AT&T's dataphone was the first commericial modem and was designed for converting digital computer data to analog signals. Digital data started to set into commerical products.
  • IBM Makes a Supercomputer

    IBM Makes a Supercomputer
    IBM, a popular computer company at the time, introduces the 7030 Stretch Computer. It is one of the first 64-bit computers.
  • ARPANET Building Begins

    ARPANET Building Begins
    ARPANET, arguably the first computer network, is asked to be built. When it is finished, the ARPANET will link only four computers together.
  • The First Wireless Network is Invented

    The First Wireless Network is Invented
    Norman Abramson creates the first wireless network called ALOHAnet using low-cost radios. It didn't work very well but it paved the way to modern wireless networks.
  • MicroComputers are First Advertised

    MicroComputers are First Advertised
    MicroComputers, which were the ancestors to modern computers, are first advertised. They are significantly smaller than earlier computers and are for personal use.
  • Apple Macintosh is Introduced

    Apple Macintosh is Introduced
    The Apple Macintosh which was made by Apple is introduced. It provides many consumers their first look at graphical user interface. It would eventually change the face of home computers forever.
  • The Microsoft/Apple War Begins

    The Microsoft/Apple War Begins
    Microsoft Windows comes out and a friendly war between Microsoft and Apple begins. It still continues on today.
  • ARPANET is Decommissioned

    ARPANET is Decommissioned
    ARPANET, the first computer network, was in commission for about 20 years. It only linked four computers together, but it was a huge step in networking.
  • First PlayStation is Released

    First PlayStation is Released
    Sony releases the first PlayStation. To date, over 100 million have been sold.
  • Bluetooth is Created

    Bluetooth is Created
    Bluetooth is created and helps people communicate. It has a range of about 60 meters and is useful for work.
  • UK2 Turns Out to be Fake

    UK2 Turns Out to be Fake
    With the new millenium starting, many people worried that computers would have difficulty switching over and they would break down and the world would end. People stocked up for the supposed apocolyspe. However, the new year started without any problems and UK2 was proven wrong.
  • The First IPhone is Introduced

    The First IPhone is Introduced
    The first IPhone is introduced by Apple. IPhones, and other Smartphones, would eventually become very popular and change the way we surf the internet again.