Technology from 1996 to Present

By mangell
  • WebTV

    WebTV was introduced on July 10th, 1996 which allowed users to surf the web from their TV.
  • Mac OS 8

    Mac OS 8
    Apple releases Mac OS 8 for apple laptops and computers.
  • First Wiki

    First Wiki
    The first Wiki is introduced with WikiWikiWeb. Wiki is a knowlegable website to help users find out information.
  • IPod

    First line of IPods are released. Like an Mp3 player. Holds music and has games for users enjoyment.
  • ITunes

    ITunes is created by Apple! An online app store where users can purchase music for enjoyment.
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
    Nintendo realeases first portable game system, the DS.
  • MacBook

    Apple releases the original MacBook in black and white colors.
  • IPhone

    Apple releases first IPhone. Touch screen phone created by apple with apps that help users.
  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome
    Google released their internet browser known as Google Chrome. Allows one to search the web using fast and more efficient technology, google.
  • Instagram

    The App Instagram is released which allows users to post photos for the world to see.
  • Microsoft Xbox One

    Microsoft Xbox One
    Microsoft releases Xbox One which come with Windows 8. Also known as the living-room PC.
  • IPad 4 Mini

    IPad 4 Mini
    Apple releases 4th IPad Mini. Has updated features like acessive touch, that knows the pressure of your finger as well as a better camera.