Taxes and responses

  • Period: to

    french and indian war

    pitted the colonies of british America against those of new france
  • proclaimation of 1763

    forbade all settlement past a line drawn along the Appalachian mountains
  • boston tea party

    a political protest by the sons of liberty in boston
  • sugar act

    merchants were required to pay a tax of six pence per gallon
  • stamp act

    tax on all paper
  • quartering act

    to provide the british soldiers with any needed accommodations and housing
  • townshend act

    imposed duties on glass,lead,paints,paper and tea imported into the colonies
  • boston massacre

    the incident on king street by british, british army soldiers shot and killed people while under attack by a mob
  • committees of correspondence

    rallied colonial opposition against british policy and establishe union among the thirteen colonies
  • tea act

    to reduce the massiveamount of tea held by the financially troubled british east india company
  • intolerable acts

    were harsh laws passed by the brish parliament
  • first continental congress

    meeting of delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies
  • second continental congress

    managed the colonial war effort and moved incrementally towards independence
  • common sense

    advocating independence from great Britain to people in the thirteen colonies
  • lexington and concord

    first military engagements of the American revolutionary war
  • declaration of independence

    freedom of the thirteen American colonies from great Britain