
By 617865
  • birth date

    june 13 1947
  • birth place

    london united kingdom
  • graduated from clown college

    n 1997, Steve-O graduated from clown college and ended up working for a flea-market circus
  • on the road

    Steve-O took his wild stunts on the road in 2001 for his Don't Try This at Home tour.
  • struggling

    By 2006, however, Steve-O seemed to be struggling both personally and professionally
  • he's own show

    He starred in the short-lived reality show Dr. Steve-O, but it proved to be a dud with critics and viewers.
  • demise and rise

    . He also shared the dark days of his addiction and his struggle for sobriety in the MTV documentary Steve-O: Demise and Rise, which aired in 2009.
  • pranksters

    Steve-O joined Johnny Knoxville and other merry pranksters for Jackass 3D (2010), the latest installment in the popular film series
  • his owned book

    2011, Steve-O opened up about his life experiences in the book Professional Idiot: A Memoir.