Steve Jobs:the creation of apple

  • Summer of 1968 13 year old Steve calls up bill Hewlett-Packard and gets a summer job at the hp factory

    Summer of 1968 13 year old Steve calls up bill Hewlett-Packard and gets a summer job at the hp factory
    This is important because this is how Steve started in the field of technology
  • 1972 Steve and his friend wiz illegally sell blue boxes that allow to make phone calls for free

    1972 Steve and his friend wiz illegally sell blue boxes that allow to make phone calls for free
    this is when Steve first started to sell phones
  • March 1976 Wow and Steve show apple I board at the homebrew computer club

    March  1976  Wow and Steve show apple I board at the homebrew computer club
    this is when Steve introduces the first apple product
  • Spring 1976 Steve and Woz start assembling Apple I computers in the Jobses' garage, and sell them to computer hobbyists, including 50 for the Byte Shop

    Spring 1976   Steve and Woz start assembling Apple I computers in the Jobses' garage, and sell them to computer hobbyists, including 50 for the Byte Shop
    this is when Steve started selling computers of his own creation
  • January 1977 Former Intel executive turned business angel Mike Markkula invests in Apple and hires former colleague Mike Scott as CEO. Woz is forced to leave HP to join Apple full time

    January 1977 Former Intel executive turned business angel Mike Markkula invests in Apple and hires former colleague Mike Scott as CEO. Woz is forced to leave HP to join Apple full time
    this shows that apple has finally become a real company
  • 1978 The Apple II becomes the first mass-market personal computer, with impressive sales around the US. Apple becomes a symbol of the personal computing revolution.

    1978 The Apple II becomes the first mass-market personal computer, with impressive sales around the US. Apple becomes a symbol of the personal computing revolution.
    this shows that apple is making sales and can actually succeed making products
  • 12 Dec 1980 Apple goes public, increasing Steve Jobs' net worth from dozens of millions of dollars to over $200 million

    12 Dec 1980 Apple goes public, increasing Steve Jobs' net worth from dozens of millions of dollars to over $200 million
    this shows that apple has made big sales and is now a real compan
  • 7 Sep 2005 Steve introduces the Motorola ROCKR, an iTunes-compatible cell phone, and the iPod

    7 Sep 2005 Steve introduces the Motorola ROCKR, an iTunes-compatible cell phone, and the iPod
    this shows that apple is making products other than the computer
  • 9 Jan 2007 In his most memorable keynote presentation ever, at Macworld 2007, Steve Jobs introduces iPhone and its revolutionary touch-screen interface. He also introduces Apple TV and announces the company's name change to Apple Inc.

    9 Jan 2007 In his most memorable keynote presentation ever, at Macworld 2007, Steve Jobs introduces iPhone and its revolutionary touch-screen interface. He also introduces Apple TV and announces the company's name change to Apple Inc.
    this shows that apple has started a new nature
  • 24 Aug 2011 Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple, Tim Cook becomes Apple CEO

    24 Aug 2011 Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple,  Tim Cook becomes Apple CEO
    this shows that apple will continue for time after Steve dies