Steve Jobs

  • Birth

    San francisco, California
  • Graduated

    Jobs graduated from high school and began studying at Reed College in Portland, Oregon.
  • Apple

    He founded Apple in 1976 together with a teenage friend, Steve Wozniak, with the help of Jobs' ex-partner in Atari, Ron Wayne, in the garage of his home.
  • The dismissal of Jobs

    Jobs leaves the company with a group of employees to found "NeXT". During the following years the company would have to develop a cutting-edge machine that would have a good acceptance in the market of workstations, reason enough to be acquired later by Apple itself.
  • The processes with Microsoft and the glory of Macintosh

    Under the direction of John Sculley, Apple spent the next decade gaining a recognized presence in the professional market but was losing the aura that in 1984 argued that the Macintosh was "the computer for all of us"
  • Buy NeXT and return Jobs

    After the acquisition of NeXT and another series of political games behind the scenes, Jobs is preparing a new path for Apple. The following year, he will receive the iMac and, with his compact and accessible machine mix and a beautiful design, he relaunches the name of the company as a brand completely set apart from the rest of the market.
  • The first ipod

    With its price as an access barrier and 5GB of disk, the iPod was an unthinkable idea. Its impact was unimaginable but, like the Sony Walkman, it became synonymous with a music player. An innovative interface and a series of small details that would reveal all their glory later on the iPhone, changed the computer and music industry. Few machines left such a big mark.
  • First iphone

    First iphone
  • Steve Jobs presents the ipad