
Steve Jobs

  • Met Steve Wozniak

    At 14, Jobs met Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was five years older, but the two shared a love for electronics.
  • Apple Computer Created.

    Apple Computer is formed. Wozniak and Jobs create a new computer circuit board in a Silicon Valley garage. The Apple I computer goes on sale by the summer for $666.66.
  • Apple II

    Apple is incorporated by its founders and a group of venture capitalists. It unveils Apple II, the first personal computer to generate color graphics. Sales soar to the rate of $1 million a year.
  • Apple Goes Public

    Apple goes public, raising $110 million in one of the biggest initial public offerings to date.
  • Apple Purchased NeXT

    In December 1996, Apple purchased the NeXT operating system and brought Jobs back onboard as an advisor. He returns to his former role as CEO in July 1997
  • First IPod iis Released

    The now successful Apple released the first iPod in 2001. Jobs had no idea how much it would change the company or technology.
  • The iPhone

    In January 2007, Jobs introduced the item most closely associated with Apple today: the iPhone. The iPhone 3G followed in 2008.
  • Release of iPad and iPhone 4

    In 2010, Jobs announced the release of the first tablet, the iPad, and an improved iPhone, the iPhone 4.
  • Resigned

    Jobs resigned from Apple, handing the reigns to Tim Cook. His health had worsened
  • Death

    Steve Jobs died at home, surrounded by his family.