• The Born

    The Born
    Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco (California) in 1955, the result of the relationship between Abdulfattah and Joanne who hand him over for adoption middle-class couple, Paul and Clara Jobs of Armenian origin.
  • Go To College

    Go To College
    In 1972 enters the University Reed College in Portland (Oregon).
  • No More University For Steve

    No More University For Steve
    She attends only 6 months before leaving due to the high cost of their studies. Instead of returning home, she continues to attend classes as a listener about 18 months, based on work living with negligible revenues.
  • Apple Born

    Apple Born
    in 1976 after working as an assistant in HP steve decide to start his own computer business in the garage of his home, which he called apple.
  • Steve Reborn

    Steve Reborn
    after being fired from his own company steve decide to buy a small animation studio which later become Pixar, the leading producer of disney.
  • Steve Return

    Steve Return
    in 1997 after a bad year the company decides to call steve to overcome the crisis in which it was, from that moment his company would become the largest technological symbol to this day.
  • Steve Introduced The First IPhone

    Steve Introduced The First IPhone
    June 29, 2007 Steve introduced the first iPhone, this was the beginning of the product sold and marketed worldwide.
  • Steve Sick

    Steve Sick
    In April 2009 he underwent a liver transplant was successful and which could follow the direction of your company. Unfortunately two years after Steve would die due to pancreatic cancer that was diagnosed in 2004.
  • Steve Dies

    Steve Dies
    On October 5, 2011, at age 56 with his wife and children dies Steve Jobs, will always be remembered as the greatest visionary of the story, his legacy will always be present.