Steve jobs

Steve Jobs

  • Birth

    Steve jobs was born on Thursday February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California, USA. his parents put him up for adoption
  • College

    In 1972 Steve Jobs dropped out of college because he thought the classes were boring.
  • Apple Computer

    Apple Computer
    In 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak formed the compony Apple Computer and called their first computer Apple . Steve Jobs was only 21
  • Apple 11

    Apple 11
    In 1980 Apple 11 was invented and it was a huge success
  • Apple 111 and the Lisa

    Apple 111 and the Lisa
    The apple 111 and the Lisa were not very successful
  • The Macintosh

    The Macintosh
    On January 2, 1984 the macintosh was created and a huge success
  • NeXT

    Steve Jobs wanted to create a new great product. He started a new company called NeXT Computer. The first products from NeXT were high-end personal computers. They were great, but too expensive for the average person and NeXT began to lose money. Jobs then turned NeXT into a software company and it began to have some success.
  • Resigned

    Apple had some pressure because they were going against another company called IBM. Their PC was much cheaper than the macintosh. The Apple business slowed down and Steve Jobs took the blame and quit.
  • Pixar

    In 1986, Steve Jobs purchased a graphics company for $10 million. He changed the name of the company to Pixar. At first the company sold 3D graphics software, but in 1991 they received a contract from Disney to create a full length film. Their first film was Toy Story which was a huge success. Pixar decided to make other films like Finding Nemo, Monsters, Inc., Cars, WALL-E, and Up. Jobs suprisingley made more money with Pixar than he did during his time with Apple.
  • Apple

    In 1997, Apple decided to purchase NeXT from Jobs. He then returned to the company as the CEO. Apple wasn't doing good and needed some new ideas. With Jobs helping apple began to branch out into new products. They introduced the iPod music player and iTunes music software. Both were a huge success and gave Apple a new image of being on the cutting edge of consumer electronics.
  • iPhone

    In 2007, Apple came up with the iPhone which changed the way phones were used.
  • Death

    Steve Jobs died on October 5 2011 from pancreatic cancer. He had fought cancer for a long time when he first got diagnosed in 2003