Stevejobsborn death

Steve Jobs

  • Steve Jobs is Born

    Steve Jobs is Born
    Steve Jobs Birthday/born Steve Jobs was Born
  • The start of Apple Inc.

    The start of Apple Inc.
    April 1 1976 Apple starts Steve and friends create Apple Inc. out of steve's garage
  • Apple 2 computer comes out on West-Coast

    Apple 2 computer comes out on West-Coast
    Apple 2 Apple 2 computer innovated by Apple Inc, is the popularest home computer in 1978 on the West-Coast
  • Apple buys NeXt operating Systems for 400mil

    Apple buys NeXt operating Systems for 400mil
    Rebuilding Apple In order to save Apple, they create a merger with NeXt Operating Systems for $400million
  • First Apple Retail Stores

    First Apple Retail Stores
    Rebuilding Apple The first apple retail stores opening in the United States on May 19th 2001
  • First Generation Ipod unvieled

    First Generation Ipod unvieled
    First Ipod First Generation Ipod released to the Media on October 23rd 2001.
  • Ipone Reveiled

    Ipone Reveiled
  • The Death of Jobs

    The Death of Jobs
    Dates of death The Apple founder Steve Jobs dies on October 5th 2011
  • Iphone 5

    Iphone 5
    Iphone 5 release dates The biggest thing to ever happen to a Phone, was the innovation of the Iphone 5