steps to the civil war

By 1790156
  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    36 30 line the restricted slavery to the north
  • mexican war

    mexican war
    war between mexico and the us over the california and new mexico territory
  • wilmot proviso

    wilmot proviso
    wilmot proviso eliminated slavery from the land bought from the mexican war
  • california gold rush

    california gold rush
    over 20000 people came to california looking to get rich quick mostly immigrants
  • fugitive slave law

    fugitive slave law
    law saying that any run away slave can be caught in the north and be brought back to slavery cause it was there property
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    compromise that let popular sovereignty decide if there was to be slavery or not
  • uncle toms cabin is published

    uncle toms cabin is published
    the book that was written on personal expierences and led to the civil war
  • kansas nebraska act

    kansas nebraska act
    saying that the people could decide to keep or abolish slavery in the terrritories
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    violent fights between pro slavery and anti slavery and there beliefs in kansas
  • charles summer caned at senate

    charles summer caned at senate
    arguments between douglas and charles led to charles beating hiw with a cane
  • dred scott vs sanford

    dred scott vs sanford
    led to the fugitive slave act saying that the owners of slaves have the right to come get them
  • johns brown raid at harpers ferry

    johns brown raid at harpers ferry
    john brown and some men tried to take over a armory with the help of slaves but they never came
  • southern states begin to secede

    southern states begin to secede
    after the election of abraham lincoln southern states begin to secede from the union
  • battle at fort sumter

    battle at fort sumter
    first fight between the north and south that started the civil war
  • abraham lincoln elected

    abraham lincoln elected
    abraham lincoln is elected president and southern states begin to secede
  • republican party forms

    republican party forms
    against slavery the republican party forms