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Stephen Jay Gould: 10 September 1941 – 20 May 2002

  • Gould: Punctuated Equilibria 2

    Gould: Punctuated Equilibria 2
    ...into two entirely different species instead of one species gradually over time transitioning into another species. This has proven to be very controversial in that they believe “gradualism” in species evolutionary transition is virtually nonexistent within their fossil records in theories closely related to Charles Darwin. Here is a small video clip discussing Gradualism vs Punctuated Equilibria: https://youtu.be/qWUqQyVa5ts
  • Gould: Punctuated Equilibria 1

    Gould: Punctuated Equilibria 1
    Paleontologists Stephen Gould and his partner Niles Eldredge published a very important paper outlining their theory of evolutionary change called “Punctuated Equilibria”. This paper proposed that once fossil records have become stable and do not show any or very little evolutionary change will be labeled “stasis”. They also proposed that once massive evolutionary change happens quickly this type of branching is known as “Cladogenesis”, which is the process where one species splits...
  • Gould: Sociobiology and “Exaptation” 1

    Gould: Sociobiology and “Exaptation” 1
    Gould along with a college of his (Elisabeth Vrba), believed that during evolution in the human brain, thought that higher functions in the human brain were unintended side effects of natural selection and coined the phrase “Exaptation”. Exaptation according to Gould is an unintended trait change during evolution with no intended direct purpose by nature but evolves into a particular function which serves a purpose. For example a fox’s tail is bushy and helps them with balance however this may..
  • Gould: Sociobiology and “Exaptation” 2

    Gould: Sociobiology and “Exaptation” 2
    not have been the natural intended purpose somewhere along the line of evolution it could have been intended to keep the foxes fragile tail warm and then later as they migrated to warmer climates the warmth was not needed, therefore the bushy tail no longer needed but it has evolved into serving another purpose. This theory was originally developed by Darwin...
  • Gould: Sociobiology and “Exaptation” 3

    Gould: Sociobiology and “Exaptation” 3
    however the relation to its original name was referred to in a theological context therefore conflicting with natural selection has been since replaced with Exaptation.
  • Gould: Non-overlapping Magisteria 1

    Gould: Non-overlapping Magisteria 1
    Gould wrote this essay calling it a simple resolution to the conflict of science and religion. Gould considers science to be the discovery of the natural world that tries to explain these facts and religion to be the founder of values and other human feelings that science can try and help illuminate but can never resolve due to the fact that science cannot explain the theories of miracles and other such phenomena. While Gould believes that religion is important he himself is not a deeply...
  • Gould: Non-overlapping Magisteria 2

    Gould: Non-overlapping Magisteria 2
    ...religious man he considers himself to be an “Agnostic”. He believes even though religion may not explain science and science may help but not fully explain religion, he knows religion is important to many people therefore it should not be disregarded, however there needs to be a line differentiating science and religion. This theory or discussion has been very controversial over the years as many scientist feel religion and its “miracles” should be explained using science.
  • Gould: The Structure of Evolutionary Theory 1

    Gould: The Structure of Evolutionary Theory 1
    Gould waited his entire to life to capture all of his evolutionary thoughts, works and studies into one book, he has been know his whole life to have captured every thought or theory into one of his many essays he wrote over his life time. Gould was very excited yet very humble when discussing his book, as he felt no one but his professional colleagues would read it. This book covers what he calls “the tripod of Darwinian central logic”. I have decided to add this book to my reading list as...
  • Gould: The Structure of Evolutionary Theory 2

    Gould: The Structure of Evolutionary Theory 2
    ...reading about it has peaked my interests and I wish I would have known about it in the beginning of this class so I could possibly have done my research paper on this. This book was publish only months before his death and was just one of his many legacies left behind in the philosophy of science and the rest of the scientific community. As controversial of a scientist/philosopher as he was his works and philosophies will be missed among the community and the world.