Standing Up Against Apartheid (dark time)

By daleems
  • National Party

    The National party ends up being the most powerful and is elected on its policy of racial segregation.That soon becomes the word Apartheid.
  • Mixed Marraiges

    They forbidded people from marraiging a person that in not the same race.
  • Registation act for population

    They split the population in to three groups. (white, black and mixed)
  • Raising up

    There were parsied that were going agansit the aparted
  • People start braking the rules

    The black people started sitting on binches that where marked white. They also stated up then when they were not supossed to be.
  • struggle with freedom

    Someone framed in Soweto who struggle against the apartheid and has freedom.
  • Nelson Mandela

    He is arrested for treason. after 4 years he is found not gualty of fighting agaist the apartheid.
  • People Killed

    There were 69 to 70 people killed. They had to carry passbook and if they did not they were killed
  • Nelson Mandela

    He is again arrested for teason. He was arrested for booming government targets and is put in prison for life.
  • independence from Great Britain

    Rhodesia breaks away from great britain. The whites would rule the grovement, and the blacks that would get indepence if they had some power in the govment.
  • District Six

    District six becauses a white only area
  • Black "Homelands"

    More that 3 people were made to go to balck home lands and settle there
  • Kicked out of United Nations

    Since of the apartheid they were kicked out of the United Nations
  • 600 killed in Soweto Massacre

    Soweto High school studes starts a protest to imporve education system for blacks and the police come back with tear gas and bulltes and killes at lest 600.
  • Steve Biko dieds

    He protest Soweto and he died in poilce custody.
  • Musicians speak out aganist the apartheid

    Musician Steven Van Zandt froms a group and stands up agansit the apartheid
  • National Party

    The National Party wins majority of the seats in South African General Election.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela is released from prison after he had spent 27 years in prison.
  • Nelson Mandela because president

    Nelson Mandela becausea the president of south africa. It is the frist time that south africa lets blacks and white vote together and He bame the frist black president.
  • Human rights

    the truth and reconciliation commission accused ANC of crime aganist human rights.