Kurdish flag


  • Treaty of Sevres

    Treaty of Sevres
    This treaty was supposed to supply a Kurdish State, but an agreement was never reached and the region was split up into four nations.
  • Saddam Hussein Elected

    Saddam Hussein Elected
    Saddams election win sets in step the events that led up to the Kurdish Genocide.
  • Iran-Iraq War Anti Kurdish Policies

    Iran-Iraq War Anti Kurdish Policies
    As the Iran-Iraq war begins, so do the policies of Kurdish discrimination. The Iraqi government implenents Anti-Kurdish. A small Civil War broke out in which many Kurdish Villages were destroyed, and many people were killed by the Iraqi government.
  • Iran-Iraq War

    Iran-Iraq War
    This is the beggining of the Iran-Iraq war in which many Anti-Kurdish policies were instated including attacks specifically aimed at the kurds instead of Iran
  • Bazrani incident

    Bazrani incident
    8,000 men from the village of Bazrani are taken from their village and never taken again
  • Kurdish Rebellion

    Kurdish Rebellion
    The Kurdish Rebellion was in 1983 when the Iraqi Kurds rebelled against Iraq in an attempt to form their own country. It lasted through 1988 when an amnesty agreement was reached. This was also the cause the 1986-1988 Genocide itself.
  • Ali Hassan al-Majid

    Ali Hassan al-Majid
    Ali Hassan al-Majid is appointed Secretary General of the Northern Bureau of the Ba'ath Party. This makes him the consul of the North and is one of the spear-heading leaders of the Kurdish Genocide in Iraq.
  • Ali Hassan Directive

    Ali Hassan Directive
    Ali Hassan signs a directive ordering all males of age to bear arms in prohibited areas to be killed. The area was Anfal and the people. A subsequent directive ordered the men to be killed and the families to be deported
  • Halabja Gas Attack

    Halabja Gas Attack
    This is the most famous event of the Kurdish genocide. During this incident the Iraqi army used helicopters to drop illegal chemical weapons on the town of Halabja. Many of the victims were women and children, and it is believed that as many as 5,000 people were killed. The event sparked controversy for Iraq used weapons that were supposed to be outlawed according to the United Nations
  • End of Genocide

    End of Genocide
    This is the recognized date of the end of the Iraqi Kurdish Genocide. It is believed that as many as 182,000 people died during the course of the genocide
  • Saddams Execution

    Saddams Execution
    Saddam Hussein is hanged for his crimes against humanity including those in the Kurdish Genocide