St thomas

st thomas more (the reformation and catholic reform)

By samyc56
  • Feb 7, 1478

    Date and place of birth

    Date and place of birth
    I was born in milk street in london in the 7th of Febuary 1478
  • Period: Feb 7, 1478 to

    birth - death of st thomas more

  • Mar 5, 1490

    Where and what he studied in university

    Where and what he studied in university
    i was studing about English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. at St Anthony`s school and it was one of the smartest schools in London.
  • Mar 5, 1504

    controversies he was involved in

    controversies he was involved in
    In 1504 I was elected to Parliament to represent Great Yarmouth and in 1510 St Thomas More represented London.
  • Mar 5, 1505

    family life

    family life
    in 1505 I was married to a beautifull women named Jane Colt who was only turning 10 years old. I had wonderfull 4 children which were named Margret,Elizabeth, Cicely and John. when Jane Colt died in 1511 then I remarried a second wife. she was a rich widow named Alice Middleton.
  • Mar 5, 1512

    work acheivements

    work acheivements
    Between 1512 and 1519, I worked on a History of King Richard III, which was never finished, but which greatly influenced William Shakespeare's play.
  • Jul 6, 1535

    st thomas more`s death

    st thomas more`s death
    they sent me to prison in the tower of london for refusingto acknowledge King Henry as supreme head of the Church of England . he was found guilty then was beheaded on july 6 1535.
  • When was he canonized

    When was he canonized
    I was canonized in 1935