Saint ignatius loyola

St Ignatius of Loyola

By angelac
  • Dec 24, 1491

    date and place of birth

    date and place of birth
    St Ignatius of Loyola who was known as Ignacio Lópezer was born in the family castle on the 24th of december 1491 and was born in Azpeitia,spain
  • Jan 1, 1506

    Family Life

    Family Life
    St Ignatius is the youngest of 13 children which was made up of 5 sisters and 7 brothers, he was raised in a noble catholic family from a milatary past and loyalty to the king. Ignatius lost his mother at the age of 7 years of age.
  • Jan 1, 1507

    Work Achievements

    Work Achievements
    At the young age of 16 St Ignatius was sent to serve as a page to Juan Velazquez, the treasurer of the kingdom of Castile. May 1521 at the age of 30 St ignatius was an officer in Pamplona defending against the French. March 1522 Ignatius left the castle to travel, he visited Benedictine monastery (Santa Maria de Montserrat) to give up his rights as a soldier and riches to follow in the foot steps of St Frances Assisi.
  • Mar 6, 1520

    Contoversies he was involved in

    Contoversies he was involved in
    Approxiently 1520 St ignatius developed some unchristianly activities such as women, Gambling and sord play. In 1521 he converted to christianty.
  • May 22, 1522

    When he was canonized

    When he was canonized
    Saint Ignatius was canonized by Pope Gregory XV on the 22nd of May 1522. He was buried in the Gesù at Rome.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Where and what he studied

    Where and what he studied
    St Isnatius studied from 1524-1537, the subjects he studied started from Theology and also Latin in the university of Alcala spain. He then moved to the univercity Paris.
  • Jul 31, 1556

    date and cause of death

    date and cause of death
    Saint Ignatius of Loyola died at the age of 65, on the 31st of July 1556. He suffered from increasing stomach pains and as these pains grew his physician thought that St Ignatius would survive but he knew that the end was near.