
Sqanto Timeline

  • Aug 18, 1580

    Was born in Plymoth, Masachusetts around 1580

    Was born in Plymoth, Masachusetts around 1580
    Was born in Plymoth, Masachusetts around 1580. Not Much was known about squantos early life as a child but people that also knew him called him Tisquantum.
  • Period: Aug 18, 1580 to

    Squanto Timeline

  • Kidnapping

    In 1614 Squanto was kidnapped by an english explorer who went by the name of Thomas Hunt
  • Squanos tribe Attacks

    Squanos tribe Attacks
    The tribe that squanto belonged to was getting outraged with recent kidnappings. English and French ships that visiting Plymouth and Cape Cod were not liked as before with beaver rade , as an unknowing French captain and crew would discover when their ship was burned and almost everyone killed or enslaved.
  • Sqanto makes two ends meet

    Sqanto makes two ends meet
    Since Squanto was kidnapped he has been living with english men for a few years. He understands the language and can now translate between his tribe and the english explorers. so in 1619 Squanto and Captin Derner (his kidnapper's captin) return to Squantos village to make peace with his people and the explorers but Squanto is devistated when he he finds that his tribe has been wied out by a disease.
  • Squanto and the pilgrams

    Squanto and the pilgrams
    Squanto's return home was just as the Mayflower, full of pilgrams, pulled to shore into Provincetown Harbor. The pilgrams set out on their own expeditions and eventully came across the abandond property of Squantos tribe. the pilgrams got a pleasent suprise when hey met an indian named Samsonet but did not speak very good english so Samsonet pointed the pilgrams to Squanto, Who could speak better english thn him.Squanto then became an important member of the pilgrams colony (plymoth colony).
  • Thanksgiving

    The pilgrams threw a huge feast in the greatness of how much crop they grew and to thnk the indians for their help in teaching them how to grow crops and soon Squanto was a well trusted member of the plymoth colony. But Squanto abused his power to his own people saying if ttha did not do what he said he ould make the pilgrams release the plauge on them.
  • Squanto dies

    Squanto dies
    Sadly Squanto died of a fever in Chatham, Massachusetts, circa November 1622