Special Education Timeline

  • Period: to

    Special Education Process

  • Child Find

    Child Find
    School's will have a set of procedures in place for when students are suspected of having a disability (by parents, legal guardians, or teachers).
  • Referral

    When a child is suspected of having a disability and needs for special education a referral to the school or LEA (local education agency) is made. If a parent makes the referral, it should be made in writing, and explanation of the possible disability and why the it is believed the child may have a disability and needs special education. Within 15 calendar days after receiving the referral, the school must schedule an IEP Team meeting, which includes the parents.
  • Evaluation

    Up to 15 days for parents and school administration to hold a meeting to evaluate the status of a student's needs for services in the special education department. Written notice of the meeting is required 10 days earlier but parents can waiver this if they agree to meet sooner with the school. Assessments will be done by licensed professionals to determine a student's eligibility for special education services and completed by 45 days after receiving written consent by parents for testing.
  • Determination of Eligibility and Disability Category

    Determination of Eligibility and Disability Category
    Based on the evaluation results, an IEP Team will decide whether the child is eligible for special education services.To be eligible, a child must have a disability, require special education and any needed related services to receive FAPE. Their disability will be identified with one or more of 14 disability categories in the NH Rules. This is also were an RTI may be used if the team finds the student doesn't need special education services.
  • Development and Approval of IEP

    Development and Approval of IEP
    Within 30 days after the child is found eligible for special education, the IEP Team meets to develop an Individualized Educational Program for the child. Once a child has an IEP, it is reviewed and revised at least annually, and it must be in place at the start of each school year. The IEP does not go into effect until it is signed by the parent(s) and school district representative. The team will meet atleast once a year to maintain goal and objectives or any behavior intervention plans.
  • Determination of Educational Placement

    Determination of Educational Placement
    After the IEP has been signed (approved) by the parent and the school district, IEP Team meets to determine the least restrictive environment in which the child can receive the special education and related services described in his/her IEP.
  • Implementation and Ongoing Monitoring

    Implementation and Ongoing Monitoring
    The child begins receiving services as soon as possible after the parents and school district consent in writing to the IEP and placement. Then the child’s parents, educators and others involved with the child’s special education program monitor the child’s progress on an ongoing basis to ensure his/her educational needs are met. The IEP Team will meet at least once each year to review and revise the IEP or more frequently if any member of the IEP Team has concerns about the child’s progress.
  • References

    "Steps in the NH Special Education Process"(2009). Retrieved [Link text(fromfile:///C:/Users/Jenney/Downloads/Steps%20of%20SpEd%20Process.pdf)