Special needs seac

Special Education Timeline

  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
    This School was founded in Hartford, Connecticut.
  • Perkins Institute for the Blind

    Perkins Institute for the Blind
    Perkins Institute for the Blind opens in 1832. Famous for educating Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller
  • Braille Code

    Braille Code
    Braille Code is first published
  • The Introduction of Special Education Term

    Alexander Graham Bell introduces the term Special Education
  • Teachers Educated

    College Level training for students with intellectual disabilities was established
  • Modern IQ testing was established

    Modern IQ testing was established
    Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon published the first Intelligence test that helped to developed IQ testing.
  • Public Schools introduction of Segregated Classes

    Instructing children with disabilities( The term Emotional Disturbance was coined )
  • Exceptional Children

    The council for Exceptional Children is founded
  • Characteristics of Autism is coined

    Characteristics of Autism  is coined
    Characteristics of Autism is coined by Leo Kanner
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    On May 17, 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren issued the Supreme Court ’s unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education, ruling that racial segregation in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
  • 1973 Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, commonly referred to as "Section 504," is a nondiscrimination statute enacted by the United States Congress. The purpose of Section 504 is to prohibit discrimination and to assure that disabled students have educational opportunities and benefits equal to those provided to non-disabled students.
  • 1975 Education for all All Handicapped Children Act.

    This act helped bring federal funds into schools to help them create special education for children who did not learn the same way as general education students.Later, this act became what we now call the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004.
  • Education for all Handicapped Students Act

    Education for all Handicapped Students Act
    This Educational Act extended services to the beginning age of 2 years old.
  • 1990): The EHA was reformulated as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

    IDEA elaborated on the inclusion of children with disabilities into regular classes and also focused on the rights of parents to be involved in the education decisions affecting their children
  • American Disabilities Act

    American Disabilities Act
    The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H. W. Bush, and later amended with changes effective January 1, 2009. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability.
  • School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994

    school-to-work system to assist students in making the transition from school to the adult workforce. The goal of the Act is to create well-marked paths students can follow to move from school to good first jobs or from school to continued education and training.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    George W. Bush announced No Child Left Behind, his framework for bipartisan education reform that he described as “the cornerstone of my Administration.” President Bush emphasized his deep belief in our public schools, but an even greater concern that “too many of our neediest children are being left behind
  • 2001 Reframed No Child Left Behind Act

    The new law reflects a remarkable consensus—first articulated in the President’s No Child Left Behind framework—on how to improve the performance of America’s elementary and secondary schools while at the same time ensuring that no child is trapped in a failing school.