
Special Education Process

  • Child Find/ Referral

    Anyone may refer a child if they suspect that he/she has a disability and may need special education (NH Rules, ED 1105.01-04). Yell (2012) explained that school districts have an affirmative obligation to actively seek children who may need special education services. At this point a referral to the school district may be made.
  • Disposition of Referral

    At this meeting, which involves school professionals and parents, the educational professionals decide whether or not the child needs special education services, or if the school can meet the child's needs through the regular education classroom (NH Rules, ED 1106.01). If the team determines that there is reason to suspect that the child has a disability, the evaluation process will begin.
  • Period: to


    After receiving written consent from the parents, the school district will arrange testing to determine eligibility (NH Rules, ED 1107.01-05). IDEA (2004) requires that the determination of whether a child suspected of having a disability is indeed a child with a disability must be made by a team including the child's parents, the child's regular classroom teacher, and at least one person qualified to conduct individual diagnostic examinations of children (34 CFR 300.308).
  • Evaluation Meeting with Eligibility Determination

    When the evaluations are complete, the IEP Team uses that information to determine whether or not the child is eligible for special education (NH Rules, ED 1108.01). The school must provide written results to the parents. The written results includes whether the child has a disability, the basis for determination, and the specific disability the child has (NH Rules, Ed 1107.01).
  • IEP

    A team, including a special education teacher, a regular education teacher, a special education disctrict representative and administrator develops an individualized program for the student (NH Rules, ED 1109.01-06). The IEP must include a statement of present achievement, measurable annual goals, services required, the extent to which the child will participate in a classroom with peers without disabilities, dates for beginning services, and post- secondary goals (IDEA, 2004, CFR 300.320).
  • Placement

    The district must involve the parents to decide the LRE and "shall ensure that, to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities are educated with children who do not have disabilities and that... removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily" (IDEA, 2004, 34 CFR300.114).
  • Period: to

    Progress Monitoring

    The collective educational team monitors the child's progress on an on-going basis to ensure that the educational needs are met. According to Yell (2012), the school may hold meetings if requested by the parent, if the student shows a lack of progress toward goals, if the results of a reevaluation need to be considered, or if the child's needs are expected to change.
  • Triennial Evaluation

    IDEA (2004) dictates that reevluation “shall occur at least once every 3 years, unless the parent and the LEA (Local Education Agency) agree that evaluation is unnecessary” (34 CFR §300.303). Although a member of the party may deem the reevluation unnecessary the school can obtain valuable information from doing so, such as baseline data, a track of progress, and an assessment of what worked and what did not.