Special Education Law

  • Brown V Board of Education Case

    Landmark case that protects minorities from racism which would also lead to including individuals with disablities. Minority students were separated from white students in schools which violated students rights to an equal education. As a teacher it is important to embrace diversity and understand the legal implications of discrimination.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA)

    This Act was designed as a first step into fighting the war on poverty and helping people afford education. The federal government would assist in providing funds for education to states. I will need to be aware of guidlelines to help my school and students receive funding as appropriate to meet the needs of students. I will also be researching for grants and other funding that may be available to assist in education.
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP)

    Individual Education Plan is the process of identifiying and evaluatating students that have special needs. Came about through IDEA and is a written plan that has federal and stateguidelines and time fram once a child is referred for evaluation. Parents, teachers, specialists and students are part of the evaluation and assessment process. Achievable goals and accommadations are made for students to meet their individual needs.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retard Citizens (PARC)

    Case Law Started in 1971 PARC sued Pennsylvania in Federal court because students identified as mentally retarded were not receiving the same education benefits as students without disabilities. They sited the 14th amendment this is important and awarded children the with this identifcation to a free public education for children age 6-21. This is just one of the cases that helped lead to FAPE. As a teacher it is important to know the law and the background that helped establish the laws.
  • Mills V Board of Education Case

    Under the 14th Amendment this case gave rights to children with special education needs based on their disabilities. This is a huge recognition and the start of looking at the needs of students with disablilities. Laws are always changing to recognize the needs of students with disablities and as a teacher I will need to be aware of changes to laws and amendments. I also will need to look outside of the box as our society changes to ensure that I can recognize if changes need to be made.
  • Free Appropriate Public Education

    Fape was enacted to ensure all students received a free appropriate public education. This act was put into place so that all students would receive education regardless of their disabilities. This falls under both Section 504 and IDEA and applies to all students to receive the same education as their non disabled peers.
  • Section 504 of Rehabilation Act

    This law protects an individual persons rights under civil rights in regards to a person partcipating in an activity in which the federal government is giving financial support or aid. This protects indviduals with disabilities and gives them access the same activities as someone without a disability to programs and schools funded by the government. As a teacher I need to ensure my students needs are met and that their IEPs are written properly so they receive services that they qualify for.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act (EAHCHA)

    Students with disabilities are given rights for Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). This was an important step in the process for students to be able to receive adequate services in a public school. Students with disablities were not allowed to attend public schools Congress passed this act to allow students to attend public school. As a teacher this act implemented Individual Education Plan (IEP) which as a teacher I will need to be able to write a plan to meet my students needs.
  • Hendrick Hudson School District V Rowley

    Amy a student that needed assistance with hearing was not achieiving academics at her highest level so it came into question if she was receiving a free appropriate public education.
  • New Jersey V T.L.O.

    Students in New Jersey were caught smoking. It was discovered when searching student purse that marijuana rolling papers and other drug related items were found. The fourth amendment uphelp the right for the search. The student was also convicted for dealing drugs.
  • The American Disabilities Act

    First introduced in 1988. It protects students with disabilities as well as people with disabilities in the work place so that they are not discriminated upon because of their disabilities.
  • EAHCA Renamed to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Renamed EAHCA to IDEA and ammendments were also added to include Autism and brain injury as disabilities. Another aspect is that teachers writing Individual Education plans needed to include a transition plan for students 16 and up. As a teacher I beleive these changes are important so that students have a plan in place as they mature and the students academic career progresses. This change also stated that states could be sued if services were not being provided under the guidleines of IDEA.
  • Thomas V Cathage School District

    Student expelled after school found crack cocaine. However, it was found that the school had no reasonable cause to search Lea as they did for NJ V T.L.O. Fourth ammendment rights were violated.
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

    Reauthorized ESEA to improve education in the United States. It put into place a way to measure schools achievements so that students are meeting state academic standards. As a teacher I need to ensure my students are learning and are able to meet the state standards as measured by the states testing. I need to make sure that I am accountable for teaching and my students learning in my classroom. Students with or without disabilities are assessed.
  • Assitive Technology Act

    Originally enacted in 1898 and reauthorized in 2004 offers individuals with disabilities federal funds for devices to help them with learning and being capable to participate in education and activities that non disabled people can particapate in. As a teacher I have worked with different devices such as wheelchairs, IPADS, speech recognition, computers and other devices in the classroom. It is important to know how to use the devices that assist students.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    Includes Assistive Technology to help students with disablities updated in IDEA to assist them with "Core Academics"
  • Least Restrictive Environment

    LRE is to make the learning environment and classroom environment the most accessible as posible for students with disabilities as the classroom is for students without disabilities.
  • RTI

    Response to intervention was put into place as part of IDEA. It is early intervention to help with different methods and strategies to assist students with special needs.