The nina de pinta and the santa maria

Spanish exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    christopher columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1419 i the nina de pita and the santa maria

    christopher columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1419 i the nina de pita and the santa maria
    He was looking for the new world whcih was India or Asia.
    he landed on The Bahamas first and then on Cuba and then on Nort America.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Pinedas Voyage

    Pinedas Voyage
    Pineda mapped the coast line from florida to texas.
    it was important becasue his map led other to discover the land
  • Feb 18, 1519

    Cortes Voyage

    Cortes Voyage
    He conquered the Aztec in New Spain and took over their capital
    It was important because he founf lots of gold and made spaniards want to come to Mexico
  • Jan 1, 1528

    DeVacas Voyage

    DeVacas Voyage
    who was his leader Narves
    what was the purpose of the expedition to Colonize Spanish Florida
  • Nov 6, 1528

    DeVaca Discovers Texas

    DeVaca Discovers Texas
    how did this happened he ship wrecked in Glaveston
    how long was he there 8yrs
    what tribes did he meet Krankawas and the Coauhilitecan
  • May 21, 1531

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey
    pourpose of journey- find the 7 cities of Cibola
    what happened to esteban- Went ahead and was killed by the Zuni tribe
    what did fray marcos report- that he saw the 7 Cites of Cibola from a distance but it was the same size of Mexico
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Moscosos Expedition

    Moscosos Expedition
    De Soto was the leader
    The leader died by the Mississippi River
    They discovered tye Mississippi River
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronados expedition

    Coronados expedition
    7 cities of Cibola and Quivera
    hIs name was Turk and coronado made him dig a hole for his own grave
    Discovered Plo Duro canyon and Grand Canyon
    Because it made the spaniords not go back to Texas