
Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus;First Voyage

    Columbus;First Voyage
    Columbus was looking for gold and treasures but he discovered land. This discovery was important because spain needed gold because they at war.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Cortes voyage

    Cortes voyage
    He conquered Mexico. He conquered the Aztecs and leader Montezuma. The importance was that he sparked interest of many people to explore North and South America because he found so much gold.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Pineda's voyage

    Pineda's voyage
    He was the first to map the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas.The importance was that his map of the coast led to others explore the land on the Gulf Coast.
  • Jan 1, 1528

    DeVaca's Voyage part 1 start day

    DeVaca's Voyage part 1 start day
    Caveza DeVaca's leader was Narvez. His purpose of the expedition was to search for gold in Florida.
  • Jan 1, 1528

    DeVaca discovers Texas

    DeVaca discovers Texas
    DeVaca started his expedition in Florida with 300 men. They got left on Florida and built 5 boats to go back to Cuba.They shipwrecked on Galveston and only 80 people survived. He met the Karankawas and lived with them for 4 years.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey
    The purpose of the journey was to study the land to the Norht Evaluante. Esteban returned as a guide with a priest named Fray Marcos. Fray Marcos repoted seeing the most beautiful grand and golden city.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Moscoso's Expedition

    Moscoso's Expedition
    DeSoto was their leader but he died. The only thing that they discovered was the Mississippi River.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronado's expedition

    Coronado's expedition
    He was looking for the city of Cibola and later looked for Quivera.
    His guide was an Indian guy named Turk. After Coronado figured out what Turk had done, he let Turk dig his own grave and then hung Turk. The importance was that he discovered theTexas Pako Duro and the Arizona Grand Canyon.