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Spanish-American War

  • General Veleriano Weyler is Sent to Cuba

    General Veleriano Weyler is Sent to Cuba
    This general was sent to Cuba to cut off the supplies of material and food the civilian population gave to the Cuban Liberation Army, led by Maximo Gomez.
  • De Lome Letter is Published

    De Lome Letter is Published
    This letter was written by the Spanish and it was about the U.S. President McKinley. They wrote really unflattering things about him. This is one of the reasons that led the U.S. to want to go to war with Spain.
  • Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine

    Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine
    The U.S.S. Maine was a U.S. Navy ship that sunk on February of 1898. This contributed to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in April. Yellow journalists at this time claimed that the Spanish were responsible for the ship´s destruction.
  • President McKinley Addresses Congress on Cuba

    President McKinley Addresses Congress on Cuba
    President Mckinley asks Congress if the U.S. can go to war with Spain. We were close to Cuba and we did not appreciate the way Spain was treating them.
  • The Teller Amendment

    The Teller Amendment
    This amendment placed a condition on the U.S. military´s presence in Cuba. This amendment was a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress in reply to President Mckinley´s War message.
  • U.S. Declares War on Spain

    U.S. Declares War on Spain
    On this day, the U.S. Congress declared war on Spain. The Spanish-American War led to a victory for the U.S.
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    Battle of Manila Bay
    This war was yet another great victory for the U.S. The American forces under Commodore George Dewey engaged, and won, against the Spanish forces under Contraalmirante Patricio Montojo.
  • Battle of Guantanamo Bay

    Battle of Guantanamo Bay
    This war started on June 6 but, lasted until June 10. This war was fought when American and Cuban forces seized the harbor of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    This was one of the most significant U.S. land victories. It was also one of the final battles of the Spanish-American War. This war was obviously fought between an American force and a Spanish force.
  • 1898 Treaty of Paris

    1898 Treaty of Paris
    This treaty was signed by Spain and the U.S. This ended the Spanish-American War. In the treaty, Spain gave up all claim of sovereignty over Cuba and also gave up Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the U.S.