Space Exploration Timeline Project

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    Galileo spacecraft

    NASA is the organization responsible for this project, which targeted Jupiter and his moons. In the length of 14 years and 8 years of data the cost of this project is 1.6 billion dollars. This project discovered the first asteroid's moon. On Oct. 19 1889- launched to Jupiter, on Dec. 7 1995- reach Jupiter, and Sep. 21 2003 crush to Jupiter. This project helps humans because Jupiter answer many question about space, Jupiter create his own energy. This project survived 20 obstacles in the way.
  • Sputnik program launch

    Was made in Russia because Russia wanted to win “Space Race” and it was the first satellite sent into orbit. This spacecraft continued the first man to orbit earth- Yuri Garaging.
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    The Pioneer Program

    NASA, TRW, Charles Hale are the organizations responsible for this project in the cost of 170 million dollars. This project came to be because NASA wanted to study radiation, lunar orbit, cosmic rays, magnetic fields, micrometeorites, basic info about Jupiter, and wanted to beat the Soviet Union. On August 17, 1958- first one, Dec. 101973- pioneer 10 passed Jupiter, Jan. 22, 2003 last signal from pioneer 10.
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    Murcery Project

    A Spacecraft with the first man in space project by the US. This project give human the option to stay in space more than one day, this project also use to explore human performance in space with bringing human and spacecraft safely back. NASA was the organization responsible for this project.
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    Venera Probes

    This project is by the Soviet Union to explore Venus, they had 16 missions and 3 failed. In these missions there was the first color picture taken. Soviet Union kept the project secret for a while. It took place from 1961- 1983 but was sent in pairs after 1978, 12/15/1970- first probe to send signal, 10/10/1983- last to arrive on Venus. This project took place to explore atmosphere, surface, volcanoes, and design for water including taking pictures of it. It was the first to land on Venus.
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    Mariner Program

    NASA is the organization responsible for this project which is use to capture pictures of Mars, Mercury, and Venus, to find out how they look and how big they are. It was first launched on July 22, 1963, and last launch on May 30, 1964. NASA wanted to be the first to take picture of what the 3 planets look like.
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    This project is a spacecraft, it also gave the option of two people in one spacecraft, and allowed to practice the techniques of rendezvous. This project took place in the US, it was established- Jan. 3, 1962, fist time taking off April 8, 1964, last time landing- Nov. 15, 1966. This project came to be because the US had a goal to get to the moon, and they also wanted to expand their abilities in space.
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    Viking Probes

    NASA is the organization of this project which target Mars, and was built in VA. This project is 2 probes, that started in 1968, and ended communication on April, 11, 1980, but only in November 13, 1982 the project officially ended. This project was in the cost of 2 billion dollars. Those probes had 2 parts- one to land (first one to land on Mars), and one to orbit. This project came to be because scientists wanted to learn more, and wanted to discover if there is a possibility of life.
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    Space Station

    NASA, Russia, Canada, Japan, and ESA were the organizations involved. This project cost 60 billion dollars and helps understand more about space, and people are able to do experiments in space to make life better and to understand more about space. On April 19, 1971- first- Russia, May 14, 1973- US, Feb. 20, 1986- Russia, November 20, 1998- ISS started, Feb. 24 2011- ISS complete, from 1971- present.
  • Voyager Probes: 2

    NASA is the organization which is responsible for this project. This is a spacecraft which explore the solar system and beyond it, target: Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, especially target the edge of our solar system the part beyond the planets. It was launch- Aug. 20 1977, closest approach to Jupiter- July 9 1979, closest approach to Saturn- Aug. 26 1981, closest approach to Uranus- Jan. 24 1989, and closest approach to Neptune- Aug. 24 1989. This project is the continue of voyager 1.
  • Voyager Probes: 1

    NASA is the organization responsible for this project. This event is still up to the present, target the planet Saturn, and its ring. This event came to be because NASA wanted to extend the knowledge farther in our solar system.
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    Space Shuttle

    NASA is the organization responsible for this project, the 5 main are: the Atlantis, the Columbia, the Challenger, Discovery, and the Endeavour. It was built in Florida. The 1st flight: April 12 1981, and July 21st 2011- last flight. NASA is the organization responsible for this project. This project came to be to explore unknown areas, NASA was looking for a better way to travel in space, and for reusable spacecraft.
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    Magellan Spacecraft

    NASA is the organization responsible for this project, which target Venus. It took 98 percent of pictures in HD images. It was launch- May 4, 1989, and mission ended- Oct. 13 1994. The location where it was built is CA. In this project it was the first time to test aerobraking, aerobraking+ upper booster- helped make the mission possible.
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    Hubble space telescope

    This project of NASA and European space agency, take place up to present. This target planets, stars, and galaxies, estimations of age of universe, and different stage of the universe. This project came to be to learn more about the universe by taking pictures of what it sees.
  • NEAR Mission

    On Feb. 17, 1996 it was launched as a spacecraft. 2001 was the spacecraft's last call to Earth. This is NASA first discovery mission and one of the first to land on an asteroid.
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    Cassini mission

    The organizations are NASA, European space agency, and Italian space agency, 17 countries in total made this space project possible to explore Saturn and his moons, especially Titan. With the cost of 3.3 billion dollars, this project will be returning in Sep. 2017, it was lunch in Oct. 15 1997, and from June 30, 2004- the day it entered the orbit of Saturn.
  • NEAR Mission

    It entered the orbit of the asteroid Eros. Eros- biggest closest asteroid to earth.
  • Genesis spacecraft

    This project took of from Florida by the organization NASA. This event came to be to collect solar wind to understand more about the sun and what is made of. By 2005 wind was collected and sent to scientists
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    Mars Exploration Rover

    NASA was the organization responsible for this project that target Mars in the cost of 645 million dollars. It was launched on June 10, 2003+ June 7, 2003, and landed on mars on mars Jan. 4 and 24 2004. This project is in search for history of water, life, and also to know more about the land of Mars.