Space Exploration Timeline

By Dh20039
  • Telescope

    Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiters moons, Lunar Craters and the phases of Venus.
  • The Moon

    John William Draper was one of the first people to get a clear telescopic picture of the moon.
  • Liquid Fuel Rocket

    Robert H. Goddard was the first one to launch a liquid fuel rocket into the air, which inspired people to make better and more rockets.
  • Liquid Fuel Engine

    Walter Riedel had made a liquid fuel engine for the German army.
  • V-2 Rocket

    V-2 Rocket
    The German wanted to put a man-made object into space during WW2 and succeeded while testing the V-2 Rocket. This was the first rocket that went into space.
  • Cosmic Radiation Experiment

    The US used German scientist and their rockets to launch a V-2 Rockets into space. This is when the first pictures of Earth were taken.
  • First Rocket

    Us launched the first rocket to reach the edge of space.
  • Radio Telescope

    An astronomer, Sir Bernard Lovell, planned to make a 250ft radio telescope that could be pointed to anywhere in the sky. But because of technical and money issues, he built it later than he thought he would.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    This was launched by the Soviet Union and was unmanned. It weighed about 83 Kg and orbited Earth at a height of about 250 Km. It gave them data of electron density of the ionosphere.
  • Dog

    The first dog that went into space and did an orbit was Laika.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    The Explorer 1 was launched into space on the Juno Rocket, and was launched by the US. It was the first space craft to detect the Van Allen Radiation Belt.
  • Tiros 1

    This is a satalite launched by the US. The satalite had two television cameras and returened pictures of the clouds. This showed the US that they can put up satalites to show the weather.
  • Vostok 1

    Vostok 1
    Vostok 1 is the space ship to carry a human into space and that guy is a Russian Cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. The space craft went around the Earth once and hour 48 minutes long.
  • Mercury-Redstone 3/ Freedom 7

    Mercury-Redstone 3/ Freedom 7
    This is a space craft that was launched by the US and was piloted by Alan Shepard. This was the first space craft sent by the US that had a human in it. It was a 15 minute suborbital flight. (It was in space but still partly in the atmosphere so the gravity brought it back down)
  • Mercury-Atlas 6/ Friendship 7

    Mercury-Atlas 6/ Friendship 7
    This was launched by the US and manned by John Glenn. John Glenn was the first American person to orbit the Earth three times.
  • Vostok 6

    Vostok 6
    This space craft was launched by Russia and was piloted by Valentina Tereshkova. This flight was to get data of how a girl/women body would react while going into space and they also identified aerosol layers within the atmosphere from pictures that she took while in space.
  • Luna 9

    Luna 9
    This was also launched by the Soviets, but this time, instead of crashing into the moon. They had a soft landing and was able to take pictures of the moon. The space craft also found out how much radiation could be found and that the ground won't sink.
  • Luna 10

    Luna 10
    Luna 10 was also launched by the Soviet Union and is unmanned. This is the first artificial satellite on the moon. This ship found the first evidence of mass concentration on the moon. Luna 10 also got data of how strong the strength of the magnetic field is.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was a mission set by the US to get the first humans to land on the moon. The space craft was piloted by three people: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. They collected things that were "concrete" so they could inspect them back in the US.
  • Voyager 2

    Voyager 2
    Voyager 2 was launched by NASA to study outer planets. It arrived at Saturn and then took pictures of Saturn and its moons. It also went to other planets and dicorvered things like, rings around some planets, and volcanoes on planets.
  • Venera 13

    Venera 13
    This was launched by the Soviets and it landed on Venus. It then was the first spacecraft to collect Venus soil for them to study.
  • STS-5

    STS- 5 was launched by NASA and it was the first shuttle to deploy communication satalites into orbit. The pilot was Robert F. Overmyer, and three more on board. They are Vance Brand, Joeseph Allen, and William Lenoir.
  • STS-41-B

    This was launched by NASA and achieved to deploy two communication satalites. It also was the first time they completed the first untethered space walk by Bruce McCandless to practice for an upcoming satalite capture mission.
  • STS-6

    STS-6 was launched by NASA and deployed a tracking and data relaying satalite into space. It was also the first time when extravehicular mobility unit was used. There were four people on board and Karol J. Bobko was the pilot of the space craft.
  • STS-41-D

    This was launched into space by NASA and deployed three commercial communication satalites into the Earth's orbit. The commander for the ship was Henry W. Hartsfield, Jr.. There was five more people on ship and they tested a new solar panel array.
  • Mir Station

    Mir Station
    This station was owned by the Soviet Union but both American and Soviets used this station. They used it to perform scientific things like conducting experiments in biology, physics, astronomy, and meteorology.
  • Voyager 2

    The voyager 2 arrives at Neptune and discovers that the planet is not actually just all blue, but instead, they find a mysterious blue spot and dynamic cloud features.
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    The Hubble was put into low orbit by the US and had a little problem at first with the mirrors that made the pictures it took funny. But after it was fixed by the commander Richard O. Covey and his crew, it turned out to be one of the best telescopes ever made. It take pictures of galaxies, stars, and planets for scientist to study.
  • Magellan

    Magellan arrived at Venus and starts to map out Venus cloud covered surface using radar.
  • Shenzhou 5/ Spaceboat 5

    This space craft was launched by China and was piloted by Yang Liwei. This is the first time that China had launched a space craft so they thought it was a huge step for science in their nation.