space exploration

  • Period: 476 to 550


    Aryabhata was a great mathemation of the age of an indian astronamy.
  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543


    Corpernicuswas a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a heliocentric model of the universe which placed the Sun, rather than the Earth, at the center.
  • Period: Feb 15, 1564 to


    shortly after the dealth of Corpernicus,the next a great Astronmerthat was born.His name was Galileo.
  • Halley's comet

    Scientists believe that comets are made up of material left over from when the Sun and the planets were formed into comets
  • NASA

    The acronym "NASA" stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The term Aeronautics comes from the Greek words for "air" and "to sail."
  • fruit flies

    The first animal in space was a fruit flie.

    CSIRO's origins date from the early years of World War I. In 1916, the Australian Government established the Advisory Council of Science and Industry as the first step towards a ‘national laboratory’.