Southernization in Mongolia

  • Period: 1200 to 1453

    Southernization in Mongolia

  • Period: 1206 to 1259

    Mongol Conquest

    The Mongols were one of the grandest conquerors of the 13th century. They devastated Baghdad, the home of the Abbasid caliphate since the 8th century, and they captured Kiev, which weakened Byzantium even more. The had even captured China, Korea, and parts of Southeast Asia by the end of the century. They were cheered on by Europeans for wasting Mulsim powers and seemed unstoppable until they encountered Mamluks of Egypt at Damascus and the Japanese and Javanese in East and Southeast Asia
  • Period: 1220 to 1310

    Mongol Control of Overland Trade Routes

    The Mongols controlled overland trade routes between Europe and Asia in the 13th and early 14th century
  • 1261

    Genoese helped retake Constantinople

    In 1261, the Genoese helped the Byzantines retake Constantinople from the Venetians, granting them access to Mongolian trade routes on the Black Sea.
  • 1300

    Compass, Block Printing, Gunpowder, and Cannon appeared in Italy

    Chinese technologies reached Italy, showing that these technologies were also found by the Mongols. They were likely introduced to them by the Arabs.
  • 1331

    Bubonic Plague Spreads

    in 1331, the Bubonic plague spreads to the black sea from Infected Mongolian post messenger.
  • 1346

    Bubonic Plague reaches Black Sea Port

    The Bubonic Plague reaches the Black Sea Port starting its chaos in Europe
  • Period: 1350 to 1400

    Unity of Mongolian Empire begins to fall

    In the later part of the 14th century, the unity of the Mongolian empire begins to fall to new regional powers such as the Muslim Faith.