
South Africa Timeline

  • Start of the Anglo-Boer War

    Start of the Anglo-Boer War
    The Anglo-Boer War sent some people into poverty.
  • End of the Anglo-Boer War

    End of the Anglo-Boer War
  • Act of the Union

    Act of the Union
    Four regions were under the Act of the Union in 1910. The Act of the Union put Africa under white rule.
  • Nelson Mandela's Birth

    Nelson Mandela's Birth
    Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918.
  • Immorality Act

     Immorality Act
    The Immorality Act prohibited marrige and sexual relations between blacks and whites.
  • Apartheid Begins

    Apartheid Begins
    Apartheid is segregation between races, basically racism.
  • The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act

    The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
    This act prohibited different races from marrying.
  • Population Registration Act

    Population Registration Act
    This law made it mandatory to carry a document that stated what race you were.
  • Groups Areas Act

    Groups Areas Act
    This law designated certain urban areas black or white.
  • Bantu Authorities Act

    Bantu Authorities Act
    This law made it legal to deprot blacks to a certain pre-designated area in South Africa.
  • Nelson Mandela Arrested

    Nelson Mandela Arrested
    Nelson Mandela was arrested for being the leader of the ANC.
  • Nelson Mandela Released

    Nelson Mandela Released
    Nelson Mandela spent almost 28 years in prison.
  • Start of Mandela's Presidency

    Start of Mandela's Presidency
    People liked him at the beginning of his presidency and thought he was a good president.
  • End of Mandela's Presidency

    End of Mandela's Presidency
    South African people didn't really like Mandela after his presidency.
  • Nelson Mandela Dies

    Nelson Mandela Dies
    Nelson Mandela died on December 5.