South africa

South Africa Apartheid

  • Taken Over

    Taken Over
    The Europeans were given the country of South Africa.
  • Apartheid

    In 1948 the 317 laws of apartheid were created.
  • Attention

    When the laws of Apartheid were created they didn't recieve much attention
  • Marriage

    In 1949 a bill was passed were different races couldn't get married.
  • Seperation

    A bill was passed where black people could not go into land that is ment for whites.
  • Registration

    People were classified according to their habits, appearence, education, and manners. Certain Rules were given to certain races.
  • Bantu Act

    Bantu Act
    This act assigned all blacks to their native lands.
  • Abolition of Passes and Coordination of Documents

    Abolition of Passes and Coordination of Documents
    This act required all africans to carry a pass-book which help personal information. If you didn't have this book with you then you would suffer severe penalties.
  • Elected

    Nelson Mandela was elected National Volunteer-in-Chief.
  • Revolt

    A group of Africans revolted by not carrying their pass-books around.
  • Arrested

    Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • Announced

    F.W. de Klerk announced the end of apartheid.
  • Released

    Mandela was released from prison.
  • Repealed

    All the laws of Apartheid were repealed.
  • In Charge

    In Charge
    Mandela was the first black person to become president for South Africa