Solar System

  • Venus

    . An inner planet
    . Second Planet from the Sun
    . High surface tempature
    . Turns clockwise
    . Named after the Roman goddess, Venus
    . A day on Venus is equal to 243 days on Earth
  • Mercury

    . An inner planet
    .First planet in Solar System
    .Smallest planet in Solar System
    .Densest planet
    . Named after the Roman God Mercury, as well as the Greek God Hermes; the messenger of the Gods.
  • Mars

    .An inner planet
    .Fourth planet from the Sun
    . Half the size of Earth
    . Mars got its name from the roman God of War. The romans believed that Mar's red color reselbed the hue of blood.
  • Saturn

    . Apart of the four outer planets
    . It was named after the Greek God Crones
    . Its core is composed of iron, nickel, silicon, and ocygen
    . The root of the word "Saturday" comes from Saturn
    . The rings around Saturn are very thin, able to fit between the score goals of a football field. It has 7 rings in all.
    . More and more moons are descoverd each year, but at the moment Saturn has 53 moons.
    . You would weigh 4.5 more pounds on Saturn.
  • Jupiter

    . One of the the four outter planets
    . It is the fastest spinning planet
    . Fifth planet from the sun
    . It has a rock core of heavy emelmetns
    . Because it is so bright, it is known as the "wandering star"
  • Uranus

    . One of the four outter planets
    . It is known for its unusual position, it is tipped on one side. Scientists believe that this occured from a collision with another planet sized body.
    . It is the 7th planet from the sun
    . Uranus in Greek means "Father of the sky."
    . Its core is made up of rock, hydrogen, and helium
  • Neptune

    . It was named after the Roman god of the sea.
    . A part of the planet contains Methain, making it appear blue.
    . It was the first planet found by mathmatical prediction.
    . It will complete its first orbit this year around the sun, since the year it was descoverd in 1846
  • Comet

    . A comet is described as a small icy part of the Solar System
    . There are three different types; Short period comets, Long period comets, and Single apparition comets.
    . Scientists can tell the difference betweem comets and astroids because comets have a comma/ tail.
    . In January 2011 there were a total of 4,185 recorded comets.
  • Astroid

    . They are called small solar system bodies in orbit around the sun.
    . It is thought to be a part the the "young sun's" solar nebula.
    . They are called "the minor planets" of the inner planets.
    . When an astroid is first seen it is given an "alphanumeric code" and after it is confirmed, it is given its own number.
  • Galileo

    In 1610, Galileo was the first man to begin to look further into our atomepshere; things beyond our own earth.
  • Kepler and Mars

    Kepler and Mars
    Kepler desocvered that Mars was elliptical shaped, not circular.
  • Inertia and Gravity

    Isaac Newton descovered that there are two things that keep planets in orbit, Inertia and Gravity. Gravity keeps them floating, and Inertia is what keeps them moving.
  • Pluto

    Pluto is very different than the other outter planets, and it has been often argued that maybe it should not even be called a planet. It is very small, about 2/3 the size of the Earth's moon. Also, it is the only planet that has an orbit which intrudes another planet's orbit, Neptune's. Pluto also only has one known satalight. All of these characteristics make Pluto appear to be more like a Comet or Astroid.
  • First Walk on The Moon

    First Walk on The Moon
    The three men who successfully walked on the moon were NEIL ARMSTRONG, BUZZ ALDRIN, and MICHEAL COLLINS