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  • Born

    Soekarno is born, 6 June 1901 in Surabaya with the name Kusno Sosrodihardjo.
  • The end of his school

    During his school years he just went to local elementary school and also his high school in 1016. His friends in the schools are all Dutch
  • Soekarno's first wife

    he is fall in love with Siti Oetari and they married at 1920
  • Soekarno's second wife

    he divorced Siti and married with Inggit. They remained for twenty years but never had a children so Soekarno divorced her in 1943
  • His third wife and his family

    His third wife and his family
    His third wife is a teenager Named Fatmawati. They have five childrens Megawati Soekarnoputri(the fifth president of Indonesia), Guruh Soekarnoputra, Rachmawati Soekarnoputri and Sukmawati Soekarnoputri
  • Declare Independence

    Declare Independence
    Soekarno togetner with Bung Hatta declare independece from the Dutch and other countries for Indonesia. He did it at 10 am in the morning in front of 500 people in the Gedung Proklamasi
  • Become the president of Indonesia

    Become the president of Indonesia
    He became the first president of Indonesia
  • Soekarno's dead

    Soekarno's dead
    Soekarno died in the aged 69 in Jakarta,Indonesia. His dead is because he and many senior army generals are kidnapped and killed by the 30 September Movement (G30S)
  • Soekarno is burried

    Soekarno were burried in the public ceremony lead by Soeharto