2000px usn seabees insignia.svg

Social Science Fair

  • Promoting King Bee

    Promoting King Bee
    ADM Ben Moreell was promoted to Chief of the Navy’s Bureau of Yards and Docks and the Civil Engineering Corps. He was founder of the Seabees. He was also the first Jewish American to attain 4-star rank in the Navy in June 1946.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    The attack on Pearl Harbor brought America from neutral into the European War which later would end up to be World War. BuDocks thought that making a part of the marines that would build bases, hospitals, houses, landing strips, and more was just what this war need to be more successful.
  • Plans into Actions

    Plans into Actions
    After the attack on Pearl Harbor Admiral Ben Moreell put his plans into actions for the Seabees scoring the Seabees a important role in the outcome of World War ll.
  • The First Battlion

    The First Battlion
    Some of the first projects the Seabees worked on was the construction of graving docks at Pearl Harbor which was much needed after the attack. The first Naval construction battalion was called the Bobcats and was used on March 5th.
  • The Batte in Salerno

    The Batte in Salerno
    On this day the Seabees and Marines had their final battle against the Janpanese, which would lead to success.