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Social Media Timeline

  • Six Degrees Launch

    Six Degrees Launch
    Six Degrees, the first form of social, media launched in 1997.The name comes from the term "six degrees of separation." Source
  • Myspace Launch

    Myspace Launch
    Myspace launched in 2003. It was one of the first forms of social media and the first one to become a household name. Source
  • Facebook launch

    Facebook launch
    Facebook launched in 2004. Facebook became and still is the most popular social media site in the world. Source
  • Youtube launch

    Youtube launch
    Youtube launched in 2005. It remains the most popular website for video hosting. Source
  • Twitter Launch

    Twitter Launch
    Twitter launched in 2006. It is one of the current major social media sites. Its style of short posts was revolutionary in social media. Source
  • Google buys Youtube

    Google buys Youtube
    Google purchased Youtube in 2006. The deal was for $1.65 billion. It was one of the first major acquisitions of a social media company. Source
  • Tumblr launch

    Tumblr launch
    Tumblr launched in 2007. Tumblr combined aspects of other social media sites with blogging. It became popular as an alternative to blogging for people who didn't want the time commitment of a traditional blog. Source
  • Instagram Launch

    Instagram Launch
    Instagram launched in 2010. It became the most popular photo sharing website. Source
  • Pinterest launches

    Pinterest launches
    Pinterest launched in 2010. It's every crafty mom's favorite social media site. Source
  • Snapchat launch

    Snapchat launch
    Snapchat launched in 2011. Its style of pictures messages which delete upon on opening was revolutionary. It became a strong competitor for Instagram. Source
  • Facebook IPO

    Facebook IPO
    Facebook became publicly traded in 2012. It was a groundbreaking decision from Facebook to go public. Source
  • Facebook buys Instagram

    Facebook buys Instagram
    Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion. It was a massive acquisition which led to Facebook owning two of the biggest social media sites. Source