Social media marketing

Social Media Protests

  • Love Wins

    Love Wins
    The hashtag #LoveWins went viral and quick.This was to spread awareness to the LGBTQ community and those that were fighting for their equal rights.
  • Me Too

    Me Too
    People who had been sexually assaulted before were posting the hashtag #MeToo to spread awareness.
  • DACA

    This was a movement based on the backlash from President Trumps ban on travel and immigration laws. #DACA was spread across all platforms to link all posts about the issue.
  • Climate Change

    Climate Change
    Greta Thunberg became the face of the movement and the hashtag was widely spread across all platforms #Climatechange
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    blacklivesmatter surged the internet and marches were done everyday to promote the awareness of black lives and equality against police brutality.