

  • FIFA

    History of Soccer In 1904 the federation International de footbal association (FIFA) was founded in Paris.It was a organization where many professional teams from around the world were able to play against each other. Also a man name Daniel Woolfall was elected FIFA president.
  • World Cup

    World Cup
    World Cup The first tentative copetition of playing the most strongest football teams together was in Uruguay and Uruguay wins it. From their it has grown in popularity and prestige. Also the World Cup is played every four years.
  • First Match

    First Match
    First match The first match in the World cup was Mexico vs.France. France won this game 4-1.The match was also taken place in Montevideo Uruguay .
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War 2 World War II started 1939-1945 and interfere with World Cup, so they Cup was not able to continue causing them to wait a long period of time from 1942-1946,
  • Adidas

    ADIDAS Adidas started in a small town in Bavaria, Germany.They started because they believe athletes deed it good equipment. Adi Dassler won medals because of his show company.Since then they been improving and accomplishing to help the athletes to have good equipment.
  • Pele

    "The King" Pele a three time World Cup winner, he is known as the greatest soccer player of all times. He started with a team named "Santos" and won manny tittles , but for the World Cup he was playing for Brazil. He scorer of 760 official goals. Something Pele use to say "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do".
  • Brazil greatest team in history

    Brazil greatest team in history
    Brazil Brazil is consider the greatest team in history for not only winning 5 World cups, but also for appering in every single tournament.They also have the amazing potential to show what passion towards football is and show it in the field. (it was be an opinion).
  • Concacaf

    Concacaf The Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) was started in 1961 by (CCCF) and (NFAC) other confederations of football.
  • Nike

    Nike It took two men who were really interested in Track and Field to come up with disigning footwear for athletes. Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight both came up with Nike to improve the foot wear of athletes and compeat with the foor wear that Germany established.
  • Maradona

    "Hand of God" Maradona was a player for Argentina in the 1986 World Cup where his goal against England was knows and the "Hand of God" , he didnt always play by the rules and he was also one of the greatest dribblers. Something Maradona once said ""[The goal was scored] a little with the head of Maradona, and a little with the hand of God".
  • 149 goals

    149 goals
    Record In 2002 the record of most goals was broken a team who had played their arrival before and tie 2-2 and lost after penalties had scored 149 goals on their own team, so the final score was 149-0 after that their coach was suspended with some of the players.