slavery caused the civil war

By mar.202
  • king cotton

    once cotton become a very important cash crop and began being planted more and more they needed more workers to work those plantations also known as slaves which began the real problem of slavery and the cruelty they had to face this led to the civil war because it was one of the biggest problems world wide and many people opposed it and others agreed with it since those didn't correspond it ended up leading to the civil war
  • compromise of 1850

    the compromise of 1850 allowed slavery o be chosen by popular sovereignty when it came to the admission of new states it also restricted the slave trade in the district of Columbia but it also made the fugitive slave act stronger this led to the civil war because it wanted slavery to be more common
  • fugitive slave act

    the fugitive slave act stated that all slaves should be returned to their owners even if they make it to a free state and anyone who encountered one had to return them which led to many slaves and others mad because they didn't want to deal with the burden of going back or having to return them due to this the government was for the slavery act which caused the political system to collapse leading to the civil war
  • uncle Tom's cabins published

    once this was published it tried to make sure the northerners embraced and represent slavery being abolished while trying to persuade the southerners to allow it to happen which made the decision of the north and south even more enhanced causing the civil war to have to happen
  • bleeding Kansas

    the bleeding Kansas consisted of 3 distinct political groups pro slavery, free stater's, and abolitionists. Violence and rage broke out causing many injury's and even worse casualties. The bleeding Kansas was one of the first major epidemic's to show how much slavery had an effect on the world which ended up leading to the civil war
  • formation of the republican party

    the formation of the republican party was one of the first protests against slavery expanding westward some of the protesters consisted of business men, farmers, and northern settlers. since the north abolished slavery it led to the civil war because the southerners didn't agree with it and the only way to solve it was through the civil war
  • dred Scott's decision

    the dred Scott decision was a major turning point when it came to slavery the disputes between northern and southern states about slavery were getting out of hand and this decision stated slaves were not citizens of the united states so they shouldn't expect protection so the supreme court kept slavery in the United States causing even more issues which eventually helped lead to the civil war
  • John browns raid on harpers ferry

    browns raid showed how strong these slaves could bean causing fear for more slave rebellions to form John and his men opened fire while surrounding the federal building which caused mixed emotions about John's approach and began causing more questions about slavery itself which caused the civil war
  • the election of 1860

    this election shaped the future of the united states by bring the end to slavery fairly close during a time of violence but which slowly started leading to the civil war once southern states started to secede and form their own confederate state and rebellions which made the civil war inevitable
  • secession crisis

    the secession crisis was one of the main turning points for the abolish of slavery this act got rid of 11 slave states to try and stop it all around this act was trying to form a new government and during the process confederate troops fired at fort Sumter in South Carolina which caused the civil war