Slavery and the Events Leading Up to the Civil War

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Stephen Douglass wants the two states to be free. He thought that bringing them together it would help them agree but it only brought them to violence. January 1820 was when they decided to allow them both to be free states. Douglas thought if he could do a good thing he could get more votes for president elections.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
  • Nat turners Rebellion

    Nat turners Rebellion
    Some people that were involved in the rebellion are Travis Taylor, Nat Turner,and slaves. Nat Turner led slaves to rebellion at a plantation in Southampton Virginia August 22-23, 1831
  • Compromise of 1850

  • Underground Railroad

    All of the abolitionist took all the slaves to freedom in Canada and abolitionist Herriett Tubman took 19 trips to get the slaves.