Slavery and Events Leading Up to the Civil War

  • The Missouri Compromise of 1820

    The Missouri Compromise of 1820
    The Missouri Compromise was an agreement between Northerners and Southerners over the debate of Missouri’s slave status signed by president James monroe and was invented by Henry Clay. The Northerners wanted Missouri to be a free state but the South wanted the state to allow slavery due to their belief of states rights. After much debate a solution was agreed upon on March 3, 1820 congress passed the Missouri Compromise.
  • The Missouri Compromise of 1820 Part 2

    The Missouri Compromise of 1820 Part 2
    The North got to declare all land, except for Missouri, above 36’ 60’ north latitude(A line that was made to separate most of the slave states from the free states)free land( no slaves allowed) and Maine as a new state where slavery was illegal while the south was allowed to make slavery legal in both everything underneath the 36’ 60’ border and Missouri.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion Part 2

    Nat Turner's Rebellion Part 2
    Nat Turner was later found guilty and hung along with most of the other slave rebels. White plantation owners later on murdered nearly 200 slaves out of fear of another rebellion starting. Also in fear was the establishing of the black codes which made the everyday lives of slaves worse and heightened their lust for freedom.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    On August 22, 1831 a slave in South Ampton, Virginia by the name of Nat Turner started the Turner Rebellion on his owner’s plantation, killing his owner and the owner’s family. He led 60-70 slaves from plantation to plantation killing each slave holding family. The rebellion ended the next day when 3,000 militia soldiers confronted the slaves. Nat Turner was later found guilty and hung along with most of the other slave rebels. White plantation owners later on murdered nea
  • The Compromise of 1850 and The Fugitive Slave Act

    In the year of 1848, California tries for statehood which sparks debate in congress. Due to the citizens of California wanting their state slave free the south became angered since half of it was under the 36' 60' line. Congress began debating in december of 1849. Then eventually on January 29. 1850, Henry Clay came up with a compromise.
  • The Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act Part 2

    After 8 grueling months of congress members like Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John C. Calhoun, They reached a decision on January 18, 1850 thanks to the assistance of Stephen Douglas who made some changes to make it more fair. They decided to pass the compromise. According to the Compromise of 1850 made California enter as a free state and Washington D.C. would no longer allow the selling of slaves. In order to keep the southerners happy the compromise also established the Fugitive Slave Act.
  • The Compromise of 1850 and The Fugitive Slave Act Part 3

    The Fugitive Slave Act was a law that meant any run-away slave whether they are in the South or hiding in the North had to be brought back to be turned in by anyone who suspects them with no trial by jury. This was a nightmare for runaways and free blacks who were falsely accused and many of them went to Canada. Although the Compromise fulfilled it's purpose(stop seperation of America) the peace would not last long.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Stephen Douglas dreamed of Chicago becoming rich from the booming west but also of being voted into presidency. The only way to give Chicago its riches would be to have the Transcontinental Railroad stretch from Illinois through Kansas and Nebraska to the west, meaning that Congress would have to make Kansas and Nebraska states. They would be passed as free states though since they are above the 36’ 30’ line which will lose him votes from the south.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act Part 2

    To solve this he came up with the Kansas Nebraska Act in the January of 1854. According to this act Kansas and Nebraska’s citizens would use the idea of states rights to decide whether they would condone slavery or not. His thoughts were that the southerners would like this act because it gave a chance of more slave states joining the union and the northerners would be fine with the idea of a fair vote.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act Part 3

    Not only that but he even figured that both states would vote against slavery because he thought the land there was unsuitable for cotton growing.But he was wrong, the northerners and his supporters hated the idea and although congress passed the act the voting from the citizens would not be friendly.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    The ones to commit the first violent action of Bleeding Kansas on May 21, 1856 was southerners who were for slavery. The broke into and raided people's homes and newspaper business places in a heavily anti slavery city(Lawrence, Kansas). In response to this John Brown, an abolitionists, and others murdered five southerners at an area owned by slavery supporters close to Pottawatomie Creek.
  • Bleeding Kansas Part 2

    Bleeding Kansas Part 2
    These events and other violent actions that will happen all through the summer in Kansas will be known as Bleeding Kansas.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott was a slave from Missouri who sued his master for not setting him and his wife free since the had for a short period of time been in Wisconsin and Illinois which forbade slavery. The issue was brought to the Supreme Court and was debated for ten years. Sadly the final decision was that Dred Scott can not be free and infact black people who technically weren’t considered citizens on March 6, 1857.
  • Dred Scott Case Part 2

    Dred Scott was a slave from Missouri who sued his master for not setting him and his wife free since the had for a short period of time been in Wisconsin and Illinois which forbade slavery. The issue was brought to the Supreme Court and was debated for ten years. Sadly the final decision was that Dred Scott can not be free and infact black people who technically weren’t considered citizens on March 6, 1857.
  • John Brown's Attack on Harpers Ferry

    John Brown's Attack on Harpers Ferry
    John Brown and his other anti slavery supporters attacked Harpers Ferry and attempted to end slavery through giving the buildings weapons to slaves and have them fight slave owners on October 16, 1859 in the state of Virginia. Eventually military soldiers led by Robert E. Lee defeated John Brown and his followers. John Brown was sentenced to death for his crimes against Virginia. Northerners praised him for his actions while southerners hated him for it causing tensions between them to worsen.
  • John Brown's Attack on Harpers Ferry Part2

    John Brown's Attack on Harpers Ferry Part2
    Then the Presidential Election of 1860 came around but the northerners want an anti slavery supporter as a leader but the southerners want the exact opposite. My guess is that a war is about to break out.
  • Presidential Election of 1860

    Presidential Election of 1860
    The Presidential Election of 1860 was an event that would forever change America. The candidates were John Bell of the Constitutional Union, the Democratic Stephen Douglas who had problem with slavery but was driven by the idea of popular sovereignty, and the two leading candidates Republican Abraham Lincoln and Democratic John Breckinridge. John Bell was a slave owner but he looked at the slavery in a moderate manner. He was only able to receive votes from VA, TA, and Ky.
  • Presidential Election of 1860 Part 2

    Presidential Election of 1860 Part 2
    Stephen Douglas was despised by both the North and South for the Bleeding Kansas incident and was only able to obtain votes from Missouri and only the lower half of New Jersey. These two couldn’t live up to the expectations of the North and South like Lincoln and Breckinridge. Lincoln was a hit in the north but was despised by the South. Abraham though he grew up in the north his view towards slavery was like John Bell(moderate).
  • Presidential Election of 1860 Part 3

    Presidential Election of 1860 Part 3
    Abe knew that the South wouldn’t be able to survive economically without slavery but he didn’t want slavery to migrate into the west. On the other hand John Breckinridge was the south’s number one player in the presidential race. John was the complete opposite of Lincoln, meaning that Breckinridge was determined to push slavery towards the west.
  • Presidential Election of 1860 Part 4

    Presidential Election of 1860 Part 4
    Even though Breckinridge gains votes from the southern states, Lincoln wins by landslide with votes from every non taken northern states and even the two western states who also despised slavery, Oregon and California. This completely outrages the south. The southerners feel that their opinions don’t matter even if they combine their votes. Later the a group of southern states would succeed and would declare war against the United States. The American Civil War is about to be underway.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad was a multitude of routes that went from the south of the United States to Canada(the north of the U.S. was not safe due the Fugitive Slave Act)that runaway slaves used to escape bondage. It was called the Underground Railroad because it was secretive(underground) and made up of routes across the U.S.(Railroad). This “Underground Railroad” was used from early in the 1800s to 1865(when the Civil War ended).
  • The Unerground Railroad Part 2

    While runaways were on the railroad they would use secret codes(usually biblical or railroad references)such as conductor(a name for an abolitionist who escorted fugitives from one place to another)and items such as the North Star(runaways used the north star as guide to the north). There were also abolitionists who helped fugitives get to Canada. One famous abolitionist was Harriet Tubman who freed around 300 enslaved african americans.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Harriet Beecher Stowe
    Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” shocked many of northerners and southerners. The book changed many northerners into abolitionists and was not allowed to be distributed in the south as a response from southerners. The southerners lied by saying that the novel was a lie. This novel showed in gouring detail what slavery and slave masters are doing to the enslaved african americans.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe Part 2

    Harriet Beecher Stowe Part 2
    The creation of this novel was another jump towards the Civil War. In fact Abe Lincoln himself told her that she was the one who started the war. Though I think that she didn’t really start the war, she did leave a massive effect on the Abolitionist Movement.