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    Slavery impacted the North and the South by causing them to disagree on about everything. By debating if the states that where new should be slave state or free state. The south needed slaves to help them work on there plantations. Slavery was brutal because if they did not listen they would get beat.
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    Missouri Compromise

    Prohibted slavery above lattitude 36 degrees north and 30 degrees north so every thing above missouri was free states and every thing below was slave states., Kansas newbraska act nullified this comprimise
  • Empacipation Proclomation

    Abarham lincoln passed the procomation to free slaves. It gave the south less control and ticked them off.
  • Andersonville

    Andersonville ga,opened prison for union soldiers ran by the confederacy. Andersonville prison caused around 13,000 deaths from deises,and starvation. Over 45,000 men were captured
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    13 Admedment

    This admenment abollished slavery. South got mad that slavery was abolished
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    People grew crops to make money and feed and support there faimlys.. They would give each other like seeds and money and food to get them started.