Silk route

Silk Road

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    Roman trade

    The Roman conqured Egypt and started trading with China
    The Roman conqured Egypt in 30 BC
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    The Northern route

    The northern trading started at Xi'an which was the capital of a Ancient chinese kingdom, Which spilt into 3 diffrent routes.
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    Southern route

    The Southern route or the Karakoram Route was mainly a single route that ran through the southern part of china and Karakoram and into pakistan.
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    Culture transition

    Throught the whole Silk roads existence there were cultures being traded all over the place and that is how some cultures moved from one place to another.
  • 220

    Beginning of Silk Road

    206 BC - 220 AD
    This was the beginning of the silk road,
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    Roman Silk

    In the 5th century there were 2 Christian monks who found out how the Chinese made silk. The Roman sent spies to steal silk worm eggs and that was when Silk production started in the mediterranean.
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    The Sogdians

    The Sogdians dominated the trading between the East-West between the 4th and 8th century.
  • Feb 8, 1207

    The Mongol Expansion

    The Mongol Expansion helpd bring political stability back to china and it re-established the Silk Road. It also stopped the Islamic Caliphates monopoly over the world trade.
  • Feb 8, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher wanted to create a new trading route to China but he accidentaily found the "New World".
  • Period: Feb 8, 1500 to

    Silk Road

  • Feb 8, 1513

    Trading over Sea

    In this year trading over seas started to take action. The first European trading ship was in the coasts of China.
  • Russians re-establishment

    The Russians re-established a land trade route between them and China and they named it the Great Siberian Road.
  • Eurasian land bridge

    This was a rail way that connected china and khazakastan and it was refered to as the New Silk Road