Significant Moments In The Environmental Movement

  • 1900-1960: Environmental Awareness Grows

    1900-1960: Environmental Awareness Grows
    1914 – Aldo Leopold writes A Sand County Almanac : He argues that nature should be respected as we respect other people. We should not abuse it as if it were our servant and it is our moral responsibility to take care of it.
  • 1970’s: Movement Goes Global

    Independent pressure groups such as Greenpeace and NGO's have established in favor of environmental needs. Media coverage of this issue has become more common.
  • 1960’s: Modern Environmental Movement is born

    1960’s: Modern Environmental Movement is born
    Rachel Carson writes Silent Spring in 1962, which warns us the effects of pesticides and how they work their way up the food chain. Chemical industries have tried to disregard her, however governments have eventually banned pesticides like DDT.
  • 1970 Bhola cyclone

    The 1970 Bhola cyclone was a devastating tropical cyclone that struck East Pakistan and India's West Bengal on November 12, 1970. It remains the deadliest tropical cyclone ever recorded and one of the deadliest natural disasters
  • 1980’s: Sustainability and Disasters

    1980’s: Sustainability and Disasters
    One of the world's most disastrous results of pollution had been when CFC's were causing hole in ozone layer leading to skin cancer.
  • 1990’s: Global warming

    People made connection between carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, and the warming climate of the planet.
  • 2017 Cyclone Mora

    Severe Cyclonic Storm Mora was a strong tropical cyclone that caused widespread impacts by devastation and severe flooding across Sri Lanka, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Northeast India in May 2017.