
Significant Literacy Moments

  • Parents Reading

    Parents Reading
    Growing up we always had a bedtime routine. Before bed my parents would take turns reading us at least one book before bed. Both my parents worked and it was something that my parents made sure they made time for. It was something that I looked forward to every night.
  • Highest reader

    Highest reader
    When I started in the second grade I was a confident reader. I was in the highest reading class, I read every night before going to bed. I found reading fun and enjoyable.
  • Diagnosed with Epilespy

    Diagnosed with Epilespy
    By the end of my second grade year, I was diagnosed with epilespy. With this came a lot of struggles for me. Every time I had a seizure, I would forget how to read, how to write, my letters, and sounds.
  • Possible IEP/Label

    Possible IEP/Label
    Entering my fifth grade year school staff had sat down with my parents and discussed the possible need to order assessments and give me an IEP to help support me in my reading. My parents did not agree to this and wanted to give me more supports without and IEP or a label both in and outside of school.
  • Beginning to like reading again

    Beginning to like reading again
    My parents agreed to put me in a specific reading class. This teacher still is one of my favorites. She made reading fun and enjoyable.
  • State Testing

    I would become extremely anxious when it came to state testing. Although I was enjoying reading again, I still struggled with it. Eleventh grade year was huge as I needed to pass the regents in order to graduate high school and move on to college. I ended up scoring really low on some of my regents and needed to retake them again.
  • I did it

    I did it
    I made it through high school without an IEP and I was reading for fun again
  • Helping Others

    In college I volunteered for a literacy program. A couple times a week I would work with at least one student who was struggling with reading or did not enjoy reading. I watched these kids over the year become more confident and strengthen their skills.
  • Feeling like a Failure

    I worked with a student who went through traumatic experiences and trying to get him to identify letters and sounds was an extreme struggle for me. I reached out to so many people including old professors looking for support and techniques to use.
  • 2018

    Currently I have to read a little bit each night before going to bed. It helps me relax and forget about the day. I like to believe it is because it is a routine my parents started when I was young.