
Significant Legislative Events in Special Education History

  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    Marked the first time the federal government would fight for equal rights for all students. The Supreme Court ruled that "school segregation by race was not constitutional, even if resources were allotted equally".
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
    The passing of this act set the stage for the involvement of the federal government in "protecting and providing for students from disadvantaged backgrounds" (example: free and reduced lunch program). Later revised to become the Education of the Handicapped Act in 1970.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    The PARC sued the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for excluding disabled children from accessing an equal education. The ruling stated that Pennsylvania could not "deny to any mentally retarded child access to a free public program of education and training".
  • Mills v Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    Mills v Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    Similar in standing to the PARC court case, this ruling stated that the state must provide each student with "adequate alternative education services" and "prior hearing and periodic review of the child's status, progress, and the adequacy of any educational alternative". This ruling required schools to map out curricula, objectives, teacher qualifications, and supplemental services needed by each individual student.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    Vocational Rehabilitation Act
    This act prevented any private organization (that uses federal funds) or any state/local organization from discriminating against an individual with disabilities based solely on the disability.
  • Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v Rowley

    Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v Rowley
    This ruling was important to special education as it described what a free and appropriate public education looked like. A deaf student who was receiving services (hearing amplifier) and achieving better than average in her class, was denied an additional service (interpreter). The ruling stated that states must provide "sufficient, but not the best possible, support [...] to benefit [...] at a typical level."
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    This act ended private sector discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Equal opportunities are given to all seeking employment, public services, accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. Those with AIDS were also defined as disabled under this act.
  • No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
    This legislature was created to "improve the performance of America's [...] schools while [...] ensuring that no child is trapped in a failing school". Major components that affect schools today are accountability standards, adequate yearly school progress, school choice, Title l funds, charter schools, and greater flexibility in how states fund special education.