
Significant Events Framing the Historical and Legal Foundations of Special Education

  • Brown Vs Board of Education

    Brown Vs Board of Education
    The Supreme Court ruling that segregation by race is not constitutional, even if resources were allotted equally. I think that this was the turning point in laying the ground work for the future legislation for individuals with disabilities. (p.4)
    Vaughn, S., Bos, C., & Shay Schumm, J. (2014). Teaching students who are exceptional, diverse, and at risk in the general education classroom. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
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    Significant Events Framing the Historical and Legal Foundations of Special Education

  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    ESEA-Public Law 89-10 supported initiatives to help low-income families gain equal access to high quality education programs and included provisions for free and reduced lunch and additional teaching staff for disadvantaged communities.
    I feel like this event was significant for exceptional learners because it helped children whom needed additional support in public schools get it (Vaughn, 2014, p 4).
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    Vocational Rehabilitation Act
    VRA-Public Law 93-112, section 504 helped to define handicapped person, appropriate education, and prohibited discrimination against students with disabilities in federally funded programs (Vaughn, 2014, p-5-6) I feel like this is important to include on the time line because by defining terms like handicapped and appropriate we can spell out exactly who it is we are talking about and what we opportunities we can provide for them.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    EAHCA-Public Law 94-142, Part B known as the Mainstreaming Law, it required states to provide free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities (ages 5-18). (Vaughn, 2014, p 6) I feel that this was significant because it required IEP's for students with disabilities and also defined the least restrictive environment.
  • Individual with Disabilities Education Act

    Individual with Disabilities Education Act
    IDEA-Public Law 101-476, replaced PL94-142 (EAHCA), extends special ed services to include social work, assistive technology, & rehabilitation services, it adds 2 new categories of disability: autism & traumatic brain injury, & it requires states to prepare students with disabilities for transition to employment and transition services (Vaughn, 2014, p 6-7) I feel this act is particularly important because it established "people first' language for referencing people with disabilities.
  • IDEA-Public Law 105-17)

    IDEA-Public Law 105-17)
    This addition to IDEA included continued services for students with disabilities who have been expelled, allowing states to extend their use of developmental delay category for students - age 9, and required schools to assume greater responsibility for ensuring these students have access to gen ed curriculum (Vaughn, 2014, p7). I feel there are lots of good things supporting the education of exceptional learners like: requiring a gen ed teacher to be an IEP team member & behavior manag. plan.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    NCLB increased school, district, & sate accountability for all students including those with special needs, provided flexibility in how states use federal funds as long as accountability standards are met, offers school choice, and implementation of early reading interventions (Vaughn, 2014, p 6). This has impacted education across the board, not just the learners who are exceptional and could not be avoided.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
    IDEIA (Public Law 108-446) increased federal funds to provide early intervention services to students who do not need spec ed or related services, eliminates use of short-term objectives in IEPs except for students not taking statewide achievement tests, & raised standards for special education licensure (Vaughn, 2014 p.7). This was important to include, I felt because it included use of RTI for determination of learning disabilities.